
English citations of cheeseware

Noun: "(computing, slang, pejorative) exceptionally low-quality software"

1995 1998 2000 2002 2005
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1995 November 29, Eric Poulsen, “Looking for low-cost IBM-compat Schematic and PCB auto-routing software”, in sci.electronics[1] (Usenet):
    Does anyone have any tips for finding decent (no cheeseware) affordable (meaning less than $200) schematic and/or PCB routing (auto-routing that is) software?
  • 1998 September 20, doug holverson, “Re: question: delta winged boost gliders”, in rec.models.rockets[2] (Usenet):
    I'm playing around with Glider Design 1.2.1 (old cheeseware for the Mac), []
  • 2000, "The New Computers in School", Strategic Finance, 1 September 2000:
    Perhaps most important, it has removed us even further from the "gee whiz!" mind-set that dominated our first reactions to computing--a frame of mind that made us so appreciative of the wondrous complexity of those putty-colored boxes that we became vulnerable to the half-baked, the beta, and even the well-marketed cheeseware.
  • 2002 January 3, John Capriotti, “Re: Walmart: Games in DVD cases??”, in[3] (Usenet):
    Many of the games they stock now are already in the mini-boxes, new titles not just cheeseware.
  • 2005 August 9, Phil Thompson, “Re: AOL Broadband”, in uk.telecom.broadband[4] (Usenet):
    To run the AOL cheeseware on more than one machine at once (why, FFS, I have no idea) you need more "screen names" whatever they may be.

Noun: something (fabric?) used in beekeeping

1879 1883 1884
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1879, Alfred Rusbridge, "Bees and the Season", The British Bee Journal, Volume 7, Number 78, 1 October 1879, page 124:
    This is placed level on the hole on top of the skep or hive, and a wide-mouth bottle (an empty pickle bottle will do capitally for the purpose), previously filled with feeding syrup, with two thicknesses of cheeseware tied tightly over the mouth, is placed in the block inverted.
  • 1883, Alfred Rusbridge, Bee-Keeping: Plain & Practical: How to Make It Pay, E. W. Allen (1883), page 107:
    After filling the bottle with syrup, tie a piece of cheeseware tightly over the mouth, and then place it inverted in the block over the centre hole in the crown-board of the hive.
  • 1884, "Useful Hints", The British Bee Journal, Volume 12, Number 151, 1 August 1884, page 253:
    Tie them down firmly with very open canvas or cheeseware, and carry them crown down on a thick ring of hay, to act as a cushion, and prevent rolling.