
English citations of cisnormative

Adjective: "(LGBT, neologism) of or pertaining to cisnormativity"



2009 2011 2012 2013
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  • 2009, Catherine Butler (as Charles Butler), "Experimental Girls: Feminist and Transgender Discourses in Bill's New Frock and Marvin Redpost: Is He a Girl?", Children's Literature Association Quarterly, Volume 34, Issue 1, Spring 2009, page 3:
    Studies that work to expose the heteronormative and cisnormative assumptions built into many children’s texts, for example, are likely to draw on critical approaches that were developed within feminist criticism in order to analyze the “nor-male” order of patriarchy.
  • 2009, Greta R. Bauer, Rebecca Hammond, Robb Travers, Matthias Kaay, Karin M. Hohenadel, & Michelle Boyce, "'I Don't Think This Is Theoretical; This Is Our Lives': How Erasure Impacts Health Care for Transgender People", Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, Volume 20, Issue 5, September-October 2009, page 353:
    This erasure reflects the priorities, biases, and oversights of writers and publishers who function in a cisnormative system, one in which people are assumed to be cissexual.
  • 2011, Edward Ou Jin Lee & Shari Brotman, "Identity, Refugeeness, Belonging: Experiences of Sexual Minority Refugees in Canada", Canadian Review of Sociology, Volume 48, Issue 3, August 2011:
    These results together suggest the occurrence of a structural form of racial discrimination, resulting in increased harassment and discrimination toward this specific group, and rendering invisible the very real forms of cisnormative and heteronormative persecution occurring in Mexico today (as documented by organizations such as Human Rights Watch).
  • 2012, Jen Roberton & Emily Milton, "Cisnormative assumptions and queer sex", The Strand (Victoria University), Volume 55, Issue 5, 29 October 2012, page 4:
    Cisnormative assumptions are tied in with discourses surrounding HIV and STIs.
  • 2013, Jeremy Kane, "Sistergirl Inside: Double Colonised, Doubly Trapped: The Discriminating Decision in Sinden v State Of Qld", Griffith Journal of Law & Human Dignity, Volume 1, Issue 1, page 79:
    More importantly, portraying trans prisoners as inherently devious, manipulative, and fraudulent not only serves to completely denigrate their legitimate claims to healthcare, but further acts to buttress the historically entrenched, cisnormative presumption at law that trans desires are a priori suspicious.
  • 2013, Greg Youmans, "Performing Essentialism: Reassessing Barbara Hammer’s Films of the 1970s", Camera Obscura: Feminism, Culture, and Media Studies, Volume 27, Number 3, page 127:
    Untitled (Dyketactics Revisited) seeks to conjure a “space where bodies exist independent of social codes,” not only patriarchal and heteronormative codes but also cisnormative ones.
  • 2013, Bailey Dineen, "My Queer Rage", The Cornell Daily Sun (Cornell University), Volume 130, Number 34, 11 October 2013, page 7:
    In a cisnormative world, I could not comprehend the humiliation I felt, at eight years old, when I received a “girl” bike for Christmas, because everything around me reflected the experiences of people for whom the color of their bike somehow aligned with their genitalia.


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  • 2012, Jodie Layne, "Orgasms are awesome: Part 2", The Manitoban (University of Manitoba), Volume 99 ½, Number 10, 17 October 2012, page 14:
    It is, unfortunately, best to assume studies like this are overwhelmingly hetero and cis-normative.