English citations of cistem and CIStem

Noun: "(LGBT, social sciences, neologism) a system which privileges cisgender people and marginalizes transgender people"

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2022 2023
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2016, Sean Arayasirikul, "A Three-Paper Examination of Social Inequity and Health and Illness Among Transwomen", dissertation submitted to the University of California, page 72:
    Being cisgender or not forms a type of social stratification, and passing acts as a lever to sustain and contest the cistem.
  • 2017, Nigel Patel, "Violent cistems: Trans experiences of bathroom space", Agenda: Empowering Women for Gender Equity, Volume 31, Issue 1, page 52:
    It is this toilet cistem that served to cement the spatially constructed division between man and woman that is still present today.
  • 2018, Sorrel Claire Pitcher, "Between/beyond the binaries: transgender youth in Cape Town re-present their experiences through photo-narratives", dissertation submitted to the University of Cape Town, page 61:
    I show how young trans persons are obligated to negotiate various cistems in the city as part of daily routines (living within), yet, are constituted as ‘other’ by these cistems (living without).
  • 2019, Bhagirathi Chand, "Deconstructing Heterosexual Normativity in Laxmi Narayan Tripathi’s Me Hijra, Me Laxmi, thesis submitted to Tribhuvan University, page 10:
    The community functions as a shelter for trans-women excluded from the “cistem” and also a space for subversion of those gender norms imposed by a heteronormative discourse.
  • 2019, Magda Helena Dziubinska & Diego Madi Dias , "Gender in the Making: A Pragmatic Approach to Transgender Experiences in Lowland Tropical America", Tipití: Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America, Volume 16, Issue 2, page 237:
    This stems from Euro-American-based waga culture corresponding precisely to a culture of genderas a diagnostic category (Bento 2010), in which the truth about the subject can be defined by measuring bodies; their gonads and genitals; and their levels of prenatal hormones, including the realization of surgical “assignment” procedures, continually denounced as mutilations that aim to “adjust” the body of intersex children to the heteronormal “cistem” (or cisgender system).
  • 2019, Sam Hope, Person-Centred Counselling for Trans and Gender Diverse People: A Practical Guide, page 162:
    Are non-binary identities braver/cooler/more challenging to the 'cistem'? (Nope.)
  • 2019, Kyan Lynch, "The Trans Man and the Warrior Women", Transgender Health, Volume 4, Issue 1, page 278:
    I can think of no better role model for a transgender individual, particularly one looking to tackle the "cistem" of health care. These women have helped me realize that my initial approach was internally inconsistent.
  • 2019, anonymous online profile, quoted in Emelie Louise Miller, "Mind, Body and Boundaries: Self-Presentation on the Nordic LGBTQ Online Dating Scene", Frontiers in Psychology, Volume 10 (link):
    I have poor balance, seldom shower and am both a bad winner and a bad looser. Leftist, feminist, vego. Fuck the cistem, no cake for the upper-class, etc./woman in her thirties.
  • 2019, Kalaniopua Young, "Home-Free and Nothing (...)-Less: A Queer Cosmology of Aloha ‘Āina", Hūlili: Multidisciplinary Research on Hawaiian Well-Being, Volume 11, Number 1, page 12:
    In particular, it enabled a re(knewed) sense of freedom within herself to reject the gendered social expectations placed on her body resulting from the cistem in which she had lived and worked throughout her life.
  • 2020, Mariah Rafaela Silva & Jaya Jacobo, "Global South Perspectives on Stonewall after 50 Years, Part I— South by South, Trans for Trans", Contexto Internacional, Volume 43, Issue 3, September-December 2020, page 679:
    Perhaps our unconscious projects things and builds desires to keep us minimally interested in life. Maybe that’s why we miss things we never had; those things only existed in desire? In the desire to fracture that damn cistem! In the desire to shout at those who, at the cost of perversity and transphobia, usurp our right by surfing the wave of sovereign power. From a power invented at the expense and the blood of those who were abominably dominated in a coloniality that persists and crosses the time of our murderers.
  • 2021, Bethany Geckle, "Queer World-Making: Destabilizing Heteronormativity through Skateboarding", thesis submitted to the University of Otago, page 63 (image caption):
    Gottmik wearing a Keith Haring inspired look promoting trans rights and a message to "crash the cistem"
  • 2021, Dodi Tavares Borges Leal, "Travesti fabulations about the end", Concepção/Conception, Volume 10 (link):
    Being trans is dangerous to the CIStem.
  • 2021, Ier Vermeulen, "Trans* Matter Troubling and Disrupting from the In-Between: On Imagining Trans* as Radical Ontological Refusal", thesis submitted to Utrech University, page 46:
    I am interested in further engaging with what such an activated mode of refusal entails, aiming to extend this praxis to trans*ness, in which trans*ness might refuse gender, by ways of potentially disrupting the symbolic order – the imposition of gender as a binary cistem.
  • 2022, Marquis Bey, Cistem Failure: Essays on Blackness and Cisgender, unnumbered page:
    In that locker room, on that practice field, the binary was king, its alignment mandated for access into the space, a king that determined, with the ardor the cistem demands, what we are permitted to mean, how we mean, and punishes transgression of those meanings.
  • 2022, Collin Craig, Wilfredo Flores, Zarah C. Moeggenberg, "Introduction To The Special Issue: Working Toward A Definition Of Queer Literacies", Literacy in Composition Studies, Volume 9, Issue 2, page XV:
    As Mendoza astutely posits, we can glean much from understanding the rhetoricity of HIV/AIDS in the context of another global pandemic, as well as the subsequent implications in how to understand literacy amid the cistem that is white supremacist cisheteropatriarchy.
  • 2022, Juliano Guimarães Felizardo, "Becoming-Woman as a Strategy for Subverting the Great Male Renunciation from the Global South", in Advances in Fashion and Design Research Proceedings of the 5th International Fashion and Design Congress, CIMODE 2022, July 4-7, 2022, Guimarães, Portugal (eds. Ana Cristina Broega, Bernardo Providência, Hélder Carvalho, & Joana Cunha), page 171:
    This is where the fashion cistem is located and the binary is diffused by it, in which non-normalized bodies, dissident experiences and an endless number of non-heterocentric expressions are left out.
  • 2022, Kenan Omercajic, "'Basement Boys' in the All-Gender Bathroom: Investigating Student-Inspired Trans-Activism and White Cisgenderist Barriers to Supporting Trans Students in School", Teacher College Record, Volume 124, Issue 8, page 229:
    Capital High’s school culture is seemingly accepting to the LGBTQIA+ population, yet it is also one saturated by a white heteropatriarchal cistem, and continued education and activism are required to combat this.
  • 2022, Eliška Sýkorová, "Sapphic on a Spectrum: Analysis of the Genderqueer Sapphic Representation in Current Anglophone Film and TV", thesis submitted to Masaryk University, page 123:
    As was discussed in “Trapped in the self-policed CIStem”, body and gender dysphoria can be a part of the trans non-binary experience.
  • 2022, Julia Sinclair-Palm & Kit Chokly, "'It’s a giant faux pas': exploring young trans people’s beliefs about deadnaming and the term deadname", Journal of LGBT Youth:
    It includes the need to engage in the rules of the ‘cistem’ such as in school, doctor’s offices, or the court of law without treating these rules as immutable.
  • 2022, Touko Vaahtera Biopolitics of Swimming and the Re-articulation of Able-Bodiedness, page 90:
    When trans activists seek to “destroy the cistem” they are proposing a world where different forms of bodies could be cultivated and where different kinds[sic] genders also in their incoherent and inconsistent forms could be embrace.