
Translingual citations of claviformis

  • 1821, Samuel F. Gray, Natural Arrangement of British Plants [...] as Pointed Out by Jussieu, De Candolle, Brown &c., page 621:
    Mycena claviformis. Nail-like high-stool. Thalli gregarious, minute; stem solid, slender, white; cap rather fleshy, nippled, orange or red; gills broadish, white. Agaricus Clavus, Bolt. Fung. 39; Persoon Syn. 392. On the ground, or on dead trees; ...
  • 1949, Geological Survey Professional Paper, page 6:
    ... are well separated from their opposites. The holotype is from the Nacatoch Sand of Kaufman County, Tex. Two large septate fragments in the Mendryk collection seem referable to Baculites claviformis. Both have moderately stout ovate cross ...
  • 1964, Forrest Shreve, Ira Loren Wiggins, Vegetation and Flora of the Sonoran Desert, Stanford University Press (→ISBN), page 1723:
    ... [Oenothera) claviformis subsp. rubescens, 1059 claviformis subsp. wigginsii, ...
  • 1975, Thomas Henry Ermak, Cell Proliferation in the Ascidian Styela Clava: an Autoradiographic and Electron Microscopic Investigation Emphasizing Cell Renewal in the Digestive Tract of this and Fourteen Other Species of Ascidians:
    claviformis. Anatomy and Histology. Euherdmania claviformis is a colonial ascidian ... Labeled cells also occurred at the base of the stomach raphe. Thus, the zones of cell proliferation equal the number of grooves 181 • Euherdmania claviformis.
  • 2004, Sia Morhardt, Emil Morhardt, California Desert Flowers: An Introduction to Families, Genera, and Species, Univ of California Press (→ISBN), page 215:
    Camissonia claviformis can be found under 2,000 m in sandy or rocky places throughout the deserts. Camissonia refracta is one of the few white-flowered desert Camissonia. at their bases, and together look like yellow cups—hence the  ...
  • 2007, Systematic Botany Monographs: Monographic Series of the American Society of Plant Taxonomists
    Chylismia claviformis subsp. aurantiaca (Munz) W. L. Wagner & Hoch, comb. nov. Oenothera scapoidea var. aurantiaca S. Watson, Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 8: 595. 1873, nom. superfl. [included O. claviformis Torrey & Frémont as a synonym, ...
  • 2020, Henry W. Robison, Thomas M. Buchanan, Fishes of Arkansas (→ISBN), page 395:
    Figure 15.134. Head of Erimyzon claviformis male with 3 breeding tubercles on each side. Renn Tumlison. Life Colors golden yellow on the sides. Scales of dorsum and upper Color dark bronze above, grading to sides prominently dark- edged ...

English citations of claviformis

Latin in English texts?

  • 1905, Octavius Pickard-Cambridge, Biologia Centrali-americana: Arachnida-Araneidea, page 492:
    The lamella-claviformis (clavis) of the palpal bulb on the outer lower side dilate apically . . . . . 6. The clavis of the palpal bulb not dilate apically. a'. The clavis of the palpal bulb only very slightly falciform (see Plate) . . . . . . . i b'. The clavis very  ...
  • 1997, Ralph W. Holzenthal, Oliver S. Flint, Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Trichoptera, Minneapolis and Lake Itasca, Minnesota, 9-15 July 1995
    Labial palp, last segment under side: sensilla claviformia. Fig. 6. Mesophylax aspersus 5 . — Labial palp, last segment: under side with sensilla claviformia. Fig . 7. Micmpterna fissa 8 — Labial palp, last segment under side: sensilla chaetica  ...

Latin citations of claviformis

mention in a gloss (an early attestation):
  • 1706, Julius Pollux, Onomasticum, page 468:
    Crassum vitium. Scribendum [...] in MS. [...] claviformis.