
English citations of claymated

Adjective: "animated through claymation"

1988 1998 2000 2001 2004
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1988 — R. Serge Denisoff, Inside MTV, Transaction Publishers (2009), →ISBN, page 236:
    The lyrics [] are underscored by claymated figures, with cuts to a television set airing the network logo and concert clips with rotation categories thrown in.
  • 1998 — Paul McComas, Twenty Questions: A Collection of Short and Very Short Stories, Fithian Press (1998), →ISBN, page 33:
    A month away from twenty-six and there you are, in the middle of a Monday afternoon, genuinely engaged in the madcap antics of a slope-headed, claymated man and his anthropomorphized horse.
  • 2000 — Peter M. Appelbaum, "Cyborg Selves: Saturday Morning Magic and Magical Morality", in Popular Culture and Critical Pedagogy: Reading, Constructing, Connecting (eds. Toby Daspit & John A. Weaver), Garland Publishing, Inc. (2000), →ISBN, page 84:
    [] here we have film, video, animated, claymated and digitized combos across and over the three realms that Mazlish posits for triage []
  • 2001 — Megan O'Neill, Popular Culture: Perspectives for Readers and Writers, Heinle & Heinle/Thomson Learning (2001), →ISBN, page 38:
    Today it is, unfortunately, best known as the theme song for a group of claymated raisins who appeal to children and presumably to the child in us all.
  • 2004 — Mark Goodacre, "The Power of The Passion: Reacting and Over-reacting to Gibson's Artistic Vision", in Jesus and Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ: The Film, the Gospels and the Claims of History (eds. Kathleen E. Corley & Robert L. Webb), Continuum (2004), →ISBN, page 37:
    [] to the claymated Jesus voiced by Ralph Fiennes in The Miracle Maker (Hayes and Sokolov, 1999) who jokes with Mary and Martha and makes his parables amusing, []
  • 2004 — Penn Jillette, Sock, St. Martin's Griffin (2004), →ISBN, pages 155-156:
    The cabs felt squatty and claymated like Wallace and Gromit.
  • 2004 — Gregory Spencer, The Welkening, Howard Publishing Co., Inc. (2004), →ISBN, page 178:
    After Lizbeth described her claymated vision, Bennu said, "And you think my connections are out there? Yours suggest that Disney and Welken are in cahoots."