
English citations of clickbait-y

Adjective: "alternative form of clickbaity"

2009 2013
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2009, Nicholas Carson, "The 10 Most Absurd Time Magazine Covers From The Last 40 years", Business Insider, 12 June 2009:
    Reason magazine compiled the "The 10 most absurd Time magazine covers from the last 40 years" and the coverlines feel downright clickbait-y if you ask us.
  • 2013, Raillan Brooks, "White Women Get Stopped and Frisked, Too, Writes Fear-Mongering Journalist", Village Voice, 8 July 2013:
    The Daily Caller, rightwing blog and trusty purveyor of all things clickbait-y, aggressively aggregated a story over the weekend that a woman has sued the city over being stopped and frisked in Brooklyn last year.
  • 2013, Steve Hind, "In defence of clickbait", The Guardian, 4 November 2013:
    Even if they can't execute it as well as Buzzfeed, it's also fine to run some clickbait-y content to subsidise the more important but less popular reporting they[sic] good media outlets should produce.
  • 2013, Adam Richter, "Just because it's viral doesn't mean it's true", Reading Eagle, 12 December 2013:
    A tantalizing, clickbait-y headline gets slapped atop the tweet, video or blog. ("You won't believe the five life lessons in this shocking video!")