
English citations of clockable

Adjective: "(of a transgender person) able to be clocked; capable of being noticed or recognized as transgender; not passing"

2017 2019 2021
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2017, Charlie Craggs, To My Trans Sisters, Jessica Kingsley Publishers (→ISBN), page 157:
    [] Walking down the street as a clockable trans woman for the first year of my transition didn't help []
  • 2019, Rachel Anne Williams, Transgressive: A Trans Woman on Gender, Feminism, and Politics, Jessica Kingsley Publishers (→ISBN), page 44:
    Many if not most of us strive for “it” but few trans women ever get to 100 percent passability. In my experience, there's usually something about us that makes us clockable on closer inspection. For trans women, this is often our voices.
  • 2019, Mia Fletcher, Terrorizing Gender: Transgender Visibility and the Surveillance Practices of the U.S. Security State, page 14:
    As Aren Aizura asserts, “being a somebody means visibility: becoming a population, becoming a demographic, becoming (part of) a class, becoming clockable.”
  • 2021, Jafari S. Allen, There's a Disco Ball Between Us: A Theory of Black Gay Life, unnumbered page:
    In all cases, there are dramatic differences, not only in affect but also in access to various forms of respect and mobility, depending upon whether one is a brother or a sister—and whether one is clockable as one or the other, or as a nonbinary, transgender, or gender-queer person whose self-presentation explodes those murderously limiting boundaries.