Citations:collective punisher

English citations of collective punisher

Noun: one who engages in collective punishment

  • 2007, Eric S. Dickson, "On the (In)effectiveness of Collective Punishment: An Experimental Investigation", working paper, [1]
    For theoretical perspectives arguing that collective punishment can encourage the enforcement of in-group norms, the Aligned Interests treatment would seem to constitute an ideal scenario; the collective punisher’s interests are in line with “group interests,” and in-group punishment of low contributions is a clear mechanism by which group norms can be enforced.
  • 2010, Adam Schulman, "No Liability without Feasibility: International Law and the Problem of Punishing the Innocent", The Georgetown Journal of Law & Public Policy, vol 8, no 2, Summer 2010, p. 506, on-line copy:
    Lon Fuller provides a nuanced account of a basic due process right that is threatened by legal mechanisms that employ group punishment. Of Fuller's eight procedural prerequisites of any just legal system, the one that the collective punisher fails to adhere to is the requirement that law not demand the impossible.