
English citations of complotism

Noun: "(non-native speakers' English) conspiracy theories"

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
    • 2018 August 3, GeWoessner, Twitter[1], archived from the original on 2022-10-04:
      25% of those 44%. That make a total of 11.8%. And what is a « correlation » ? We won’t know. I don’t know for those accounts, but I’m pretty sure complotism is here to stay.
    • 2018 August 7, Sky89, “About supidity”, in soc.culture.usa[2] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-04-16:
      Look for example at neo-nazism, neo-nazism is not thinking logically and correctly, because it is not like precise calculations of mathematics, they for example say that all the Jewish race is bad, and they are believing like complotists that jews are comploting to "hurt" white european race, and this is astonishing ! because it is complete stupidity ! because it is just complotism and because it is not "scientific", it is like complotism that is not scientific ! neo-nazis are wanting to hurt Jewish race just because they are believing, without giving a "serious" scientific proof, that the Jewish race is hurting the white european race, this is complete inferiority that must be avoided, because neo-nazism and nazism is like complotism without any scientific evidence, so we have not to waste our time with this inferiority of nazism and neo-nazism, because they are complotism and inferior thinking.
    • 2018 December 27, Pierre-Elliott Bécue, “conspiracies and character assassination in the name of Debian?”, in linux.debian.project[3] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-04-16:
      Your attitude links to complotism and disinformation campaign with targeted abuses.
    • 2019 April 2, SciencesPoulet, Twitter[4], archived from the original on 2022-10-04:
      I stand with @emma_ducros and I am not alone. We are a bunch of scientists and professionals with a scientific knowledge background, analyzing data and her work is obviously against complotism and ignorance. You have beliefs, and you are not interested in weighting alternatives.
    • 2020 May 25, francktlse, Twitter[5], archived from the original on 2022-10-03:
      Complotism way of thinking... I guess for who they voted in 2016 (99% of those trolls... I leave 1% for statistic error)

      Number and science are not political things, they are not good or bad, they are neutral and show truth.

      Truth hurts many people, unfortunately
    • 2020 October 1, Matusaprod, “Was EWS just a movie? (Today EWS is 2st birthday)”, in Reddit[6], StanleyKubrick, archived from the original on 2022-10-04:
      Hi, just rewatched EWS, and everytime[sic] I do it ' I find myself going down a rabbit hole of complotism about sexual abuse by the elite, mkultra program and so on..
      Well, I know that movie has a lot of meanings, but I'm here to ask you: do you believe it's just a movie or do you believe complotism theories that say this was a "documentary" of elites/illuminati life and kubrick was killed because he told too much?
      Asking that because this sub seems a place with smart enough people, everywhere on the web you find a lot of people 100% complitists[sic] who try to tell every type of craps.
    • 2021 June 16, thedebuggeurs, Twitter[7], archived from the original on 2022-10-03:
      Thats sound like complotism!?😂
    • 2021 August 4, elbutor2leretou, Twitter[8], archived from the original on 2021-08-04:
      More and more complotism from this man, the english francis lalane is here
    • 2021 September 5, Daniel Corcos, “Complotism, we have a big problem: the example of the Coronavirus origin”, in LinkedIn[9], archived from the original on 2022-10-03:
      While the theme of conspiracy is very present in the media, the root cause of the phenomenon, i.e. the existence of real cover-ups, is obscured. The conspiracy over the laboratory escape hypothesis that caused the pandemic is no exception. In this text, I will not discuss the hypothesis itself, which is highly probable, but the conspiracy of silence on the hypothesis, which is certain and well documented.

      The fact that the starting point of the coronavirus epidemic is one of the only cities in the world where scientists are working with Coronaviruses made it logical to consider the possibility of a lab leak.
    • 2022 April 25, Chromaedre, “Was EWS just a movie? (Today EWS is 2st birthday)”, in Reddit[10], europe, archived from the original on 2022-10-04:
      I don't think we're the most progressive european country, we're ok but France could do a lot more (next time we have a leftist government I guess). The problem (and I speak about democracy in general) is that we're in the middle of a new "Middle Ages" where obscurantism is the new black. In that context a good level of education and critical thinking is imperative for democracies to survive. Especially with social medias doing their thing (promoting content that induce an negative or positive emotional reaction instead of quality content). A good part of our population is vulnerable to manipulation. We need to eliminate complotism and disinformation and social medias need to change for that to happen (politics too but that's another subject).
    • 2022 May 19, fabienbouvet6, Twitter[11], archived from the original on 2022-10-03:
      David Marcus => banned of Twitter for complotism 😅
    • 2022 July 4, AgnelloFabrizio, Twitter[12], archived from the original on 2022-10-04:
      The left-wing also enabled Le Pen by pushing the same strident fake-newsy discourse of "degagisme", complotism, declinism and permanent obstructionism as the far-right.
      Both have the same objective of undermining moderate politics and the republic's institutions.
    • 2022 September 15, Ouarzy, Twitter[13], archived from the original on 2022-10-04:
      TIL that complotism and irrationalism has always been linked in History with the raise of nationalism and fascim.

      Found it quite interesting.