
English citations of constitutioner

Noun: "One who frames or revises a constitution"

  • 1883 January 10, News C. Ker, “Clyde Crumbs”, in Cloud County Critic, volume 4, number 2, Concordia, Kan., page 4:
    I like the plan suggested by the Atchison Champion in redistricting the state, and would like to see our old constitutioner, Samuel D. Houston the first Congressman from North-west District.
  • 1973 July 26, “Constitutioners huddle near Austin”, in The La Marque Times, volume 26, number 50, La Marque, Tex., section I, page 11:
    The Texas Constitutional Revision Commission, charged with studying the need for constitutional change, has entered the decision-making stage of its program. [see title]
  • 1974 February 10, “Constitutioners Pass Three Hot Issues But Face Host Of Others”, in The Brownsville Herald, volume 81, number 185, Brownswille, Tex., page 1:
    Wadding through stacks of delegate proposals constitutional commission committees managed to get three of the hottest issues out of their path [] [see title]
  • 1992 December, Jean Pascal Zanders, The Debate on Binary Chemical Weapons in Belgium: The Act of 11 April 1962 Revisited (Vredesonderzoek: Interdisciplinaire Periodiek; 7), Brussels: Interfaculiair Overlegorgaan voor Vredesonderzoek, →ISSN, page 16:
    Article 121 of the Constitution imposes the only restrictions on the governmental powers invested by Article 68. [] In 1831, the Constitutioners formulated their justification for the provision so broadly, that it must be assumed that it also bears on the weapons carried by such foreign troops.
  • 2014, Norbert Varga, “Historical Legal Institutions in the New Hungarian Fundamental Law with Special Attention to the Incompatibility”, in Éva Jakab, Norbert Pozsonyi, editors, Ünnepi kötet dr. Molnár Imre egyetemi tanár 80. születésnapjára (Acta Universitatis Szegediensis: Acta Juridica et Politica; 76), Szeged: University of Szeged, →ISBN, →ISSN, page 485:
    Professor István Kovács drew the attention of the constitutioners in his writing published in 1898, that they should connect our constitution with the nation's historical past. According to him, “looking at the big picture, we should take into account our thousand-year-old Hungarian nation's heritage a lot more”.

Noun: "Supporter of a constitution"

  • 1935 October 3, “[no title]”, in The Aurora Bulletin, volume 41, number 29, Aurora, Ind., page 6:
    We have just passed through another week of “saving the Constitution” and to the great surprise of some people, that old documents[sic] remains untarnished. [] The constitutioners were particularly busy this year.
  • 1947 April 27, Lucien Beckner, “State Constitution Said to Favor Politicians”, in The Courier-Journal, volume 185, number 117, Lousiville, Ky., section 3, page 11:
    He either forgot or ignored the fact that we are producing the type of public officials, which he so deplores, under the present constitution, which he so commends. One half of his statement pleases the Old Constitutioners and the other half pleases the New Constitutioners.
  • 1947 October 21, “Foes of New Constitution Speak: Prominent Kentuckians Favor Convention For New Charter”, in Danville Advocate-Messenger, volume 82, number 86, Danville, Ky.:
    A few weeks ago, the Committee of 1,000 distributed a counterattack on 10 revision recommendations supported by the “New Constitutioners.”

(Nonce word)

  • 1886 March 4, “Cupid and the Constitution”, in The Boston Daily Globe, volume 29, number 63, Boston, Mass., page 4:
    The other day a delegation of senators, [] went to Detroit and urged him [Charles W. Jones] not to sacrifice the Constitution to Cupid. [] they sang to him that pathetic lament of Pooh-Bah:
    Old man, despair, / Likewise go to, / Miss Palms the fair / You must not woo. / It will not do, / We’re sorry for you, / You very profound constitutioner.

Error for "constituency"

  • 1894 January 12, “In Congress Today: Hawaiian Investigation Resolutions Agreed to in House []”, in The Providence News, volume 5, number 93, Providence, R. I., page 1:
    Mr. Sereno E. Payne, one of the Republican members of the ways and means committee, said. “There are many gentlemen who sit on the other side who represent constitutioners that believe in protection. []
  • 1900 September 29, “Ald. Frank Green Elected London Mayor”, in Rock Island Argus, volume 48, number 294, Rock Island, Ill., page 1:
    One hundred and sixty-seven constitutioners returning a fourth of the membership of the house of commons, made nominations today.

Error for "constitution"?

  • 1956 October 7, Hume Duval, “Opponents Question Validity of Proposed Legislative Amendment”, in St. Louis Globe-Democrat, volume 82, number 118, St. Louis, Mo., page 10A:
    Another point that is being brought out is that while there is a precedent in the early Missouri constitutioners for permitting Legislature to fix its own salary, there was a limitation which is not found in the pending proposal.

Error for "constructor"

  • 1891 July 16, “Postal Subsidy: The Postmaster General Calls for Bids Under the New Bill []”, in The Minneapolis Tribune, volume 25, number 66, Minneapolis, Minn., page 4:
    The vessels are to be inspected by naval officers or constitutioners, and approved by the secretary of the navy as suitable for the purposes before thay can enter into contract.