
English citations of copicide

Noun: "a method of suicide in which a person deliberately behaves in a threatening manner to provoke a police officer into shooting them"

1994 1999 2005
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1994 — Davan Maharaj, "Suit Over Officer's Fatal Shooting to Begin", Los Angeles Times, 10 May 1994:
    Praet said he would try to show that Edson committed a "recognized phenomenon" known as "copicide," or "suicide by cop."
  • 1999 — E. J. Montini, "Prosecuting Mentally Ill Is Insane", The Arizona Republic, 20 June 1999 (reprinted in the Observer-Reporter, 4 July 1999):
    Carrie told a police negotiator she didn't have the nerve to shoot herself. Later, she'd tell psychiatrist Gwen Levitt she was hoping to commit what the police call "copicide," in which a suicidal person gets the police to shoot him or her.
  • 2005 — Jane Ann Morrison, "Only heaven knows why someone would choose suicide by cop", Las Vegas Review-Journal, 15 January 2005:
    A 1998 academic study of shootings in the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department concluded that more than 10 percent of fatal shootings by officers over an 11-year period were likely suicides by cop, also called "copicide."

Noun: "the act of killing a police officer"

1925 1992 2011
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1925 — Life, 12 February 1925, page 14:
    There is strong prejudice, especially among the police, against any one who kills a policeman. Copicide is unpopular.
  • 1992 — "It's getting late", Spy, October 1992:
    More weird media excretion: Time Warner homey Ice-T can't say enough nice things about the Man, his employer. Time Warner executives were so supportive during his recent difficulties, he says. They were exceptionally supportive of his totally private and personal decision to recall his ode to copicide from record stores.
  • 2011 — Marion Lennox, Abby and the Bachelor Cop, Harlequin (2011), →ISBN, page 141:
    'If you say ma'am once more I may be up for copicide.'
    'Whatever. Justifiable homicide. Kleppy didn't pinch anything.'