
English citations of coruscance

  • 1995 February 1, David Drake, The Military Dimension: Mark II, Baen Publishing Enterprises, →ISBN:
    The other bolts skimmed the coping and diffused against the landing vessel's screen with whiplash cracks and a coruscance that threw hard shadows across the roof. Kowacs' faceshield saved his eyes, but ozone burned the back of his []
  • 2016 July 26, Victoria Kahn, Wayward Contracts: The Crisis of Political Obligation in England, 1640-1674, Princeton University Press, →ISBN, page 102:
    ... without losse or diminution to the fountain and cause of that coruscance. In the same manner also Princes derive honour and power from their Subjects, yet drain not at all the scource [source] that derives it” (17).
  • 2008 December 21, David Drake, Dogs of War, Aspect, →ISBN:
    The snakepit coruscance of blue sparks lighting the roof a moment later was the battery pack of Red Ike's aircar shorting through the new paths the mortar shell had burned in the car's circuitry. The mercs were playing for keeps.
  • 1810, A Collection of Scarce and Valuable Tracts on the Most Entertaining Subjects: Reign of King James I, page 45:
    The imperiall and beauteous lady queene of the feminine territories , of the man - hating Amazonians , with whose bright eye - dazeling coruscance , and whose refulgent feature , the blacke - sould , hell - commanding magitian Mango ( a []
  • 2014 September 16, Hank Davis, The Baen Big Book of Monsters, Baen Publishing Enterprises, →ISBN:
    ... and Corll realized the same thing must be happening in the dead area too close to his own weapon to be swept by its fire. A moment later the beam of deadly light vanished in coruscance and a thunderclap that shook the []
  • 2012 June 26, George R. R. Martin, Wild Cards I, St. Martin's Press, →ISBN, page 399:
    And Radical was there , peace symbol weaving a golden figure of eight in the air before him , warding Hardhat's most ferocious blows with sparks of coruscance while soldiers and students alike stood transfixed by the spectacle .