
English citations of cyphonism

  • 1842 July 16, “Kyphonism”, in The Illustrated London News, volume 1, number 10, page 158, column 3:
    [In kyphonism] the body of the sufferer was anointed with honey, and so exposed to the sun that the flies and wasps might be tempted to torment him. Suidas gives us the fragment of an ancient law, which punished those who contemned the laws with kyphonism for twenty days; after which they were precipitated from a rock, dressed in woman’s clothes.
  • 1866, J. T. Trowbridge, Lucy Arlyn, page 166:
    Another who got honey was Lucy; but it was the honey of cyphonism,—a little thin sweetening of praise spread over her to attract swarming insects with their bites and stings.
  • 1958 January, C. Howard Ross, “Revolutions in Medicine”, in Washtenaw Impressions[1], volume 13, number 4, page 4:
    Instead, via shame and sham, he was appointed personal physician to the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V; flitted in and out of court, and with tail dragging never expressed himself in medical controversy again. He thus experienced a spiritual cyphonism.
  • 2006, Michael J. A. Speyer, The Chronicles of Samuel Sassodoro, Book One, self-published, →ISBN, page 241:
    Whatever the reason for John's inaction, Beelzebub would have loved to sentence him to perennial cyphonism; smeared with golden Hemettus honey and beset by his favourite and totemic insects.