English citations of deathy

  • 1829, Robert Southey, A Tale of Paraguay, Canto IV, XXXVIII, The Poetical Works of Robert Southey, page 569,
    The sunny hue that tinged her cheek was gone, / A deathy paleness settled in its stead;
  • 1836, Thomas Chandler Haliburton, The Clockmaker: Or, The Sayings and Doings of Samuel Slick of Slickville, First Series, 1840, page 83,
    The deathy stillness of a town, and the barred windows, and shut shops, and empty streets, and great long lines of big brick buildins,[sic] look melancholy.
  • 1837, Mr. Proctor, Case of a Cow Destroyed by Three Pints of Vinegar, The Farmer's Magazine, Volume 6: January—June, page 12,
    Ears and extremities deathy cold throughout; appetite gone.
  • 1869 February, Justin McCarthy, My Enemy's Daughter, in Mary Elizabeth Braddon (editor), Belgravia, Volume 7, page 186,
    I heard a lady near whom I happened to sit one evening in a river-steamer describe it to a companion, when its swampy flats came into sight, as "a deathy place." The phrase was picturesque, effective and very appropriate. It did look a deathy place; but it had the advantages — to me supreme — of being very cheap, and of having easy access to the river, and therefore to town.