
English citations of deoccupation

  • 2018 June 22, Carl Levy, Matthew S. Adams, The Palgrave Handbook of Anarchism, Springer, →ISBN, page 704:
    At the same time, Hawaiian deoccupation research can fail to recognise and problematise the historiography of statism, including the violence and intersectional oppressions created by state hierarchies organised around race, class, []
  • 2016 May 28, Judy Rohrer, Staking Claim: Settler Colonialism and Racialization in Hawai'i, University of Arizona Press, →ISBN, page 53:
    The debate has been more polarizing than productive, largely because some of those arguing deoccupation have adopted a self-righteous stance that refuses and delegitimizes other perspectives. The most vocal advocate of the deoccupation []
  • 2016 August 5, Derek Robbins, The Anthem Companion to Pierre Bourdieu, Anthem Press, →ISBN:
    This time it was not just the deoccupation of this factory but also, simultaneously, 11 other factories in the area were deoccupied by workers. Once again, the company and government were taken aback. Despite the presence of 400 []
  • 2005 July 8, Joyce Morgenroth, Speaking of Dance: Twelve Contemporary Choreographers on Their Craft, Routledge, →ISBN:
    So it's occupation and deoccupation, occupation and deoccupation of that limited space. Or one dancer takes the high road horizontally through the air and another takes the low road and maybe they can have enough propulsion to just miss []
  • 2021 December 21, David R. Marples, The War in Ukraine’s Donbas: Origins, Contexts, and the Future, Central European University Press, →ISBN, page 120:
    It seems that her position has influenced the views of Arsen Avakov, Ukraine's Minister of Internal Affairs, on the subject of collaboration and deoccupation.55 Conclusion The ongoing war in Donbas has proven to be the most significant []