
English citations of disimpeach

  • 1856, Travers Adamson, Acts and Ordinances in Force in Victoria, page 1643:
    That a party producing a witness shall not be allowed to Party may disimpeach his credit by general evidence of bad character but he may in case witness . the witness shall in the opinion of the judge prove adverse contradict him by []
  • 1877, Mary Kyle Dallas, The Grinder Papers: Being the Adventures of Miss Charity Grinder, page 283:
    I didn't mind her abuse; but I allers hev been respected fur my sagacitude and discretion, and I warn't a-goin' tu hev 'em disimpeached.
  • 1909, Lawyers' Reports Annotated, page 558:
    A party cannot tradictory statement, the party cannot disimpeach his own witness by evidence of prove it by other witnesses," where it would other witnesses, either as to general repu . not be admissible as independent evidence []