Citations:dry eye

English citations of dry eye

Noun : Someone who is not crying

1719 1864 1880 1928 1995
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1719, Thomas Gordon - A modest apology for parson Alberoni, governor to king Philip page 29
    He dreſſes up the pretty Puppit fo amiably, all at the Coſt and Charges of hit own Fancy, and laments over it 16 movingly, that there is not a dry Eye, nor a dry Handkerchief, in the whole congregation
  • December 12 1863, Charles Dickens - All the Year Round Volume X: From August 29. 1863, to February 6, 1864, page 366
    Then, having dried his clothes, they dressed the body again and laid him in the boat, and cast the Union Jack over him, and rowed slowly and unwillingly back to the ship, Georgie sobbing and screaming over the body, and not a dry eye in the boat.