English citations of dwelf

  • 2009, Mike Wild, The Crucible of the Dragon God, Abaddon Books (→ISBN)
    “You're –” “The first of the dwelf. The last of the dwelf.” “My gods!” “Dwelf?” the archer said, confused. “Work it out, Slowhand.” “Are you telling me this thing is half dwarf, half elf? A hybrid?” “Yup.” “Glad I wasn't hiding in the ...
  • 2018, Austin Dragon, Comes the War Wizards' Wrath: Fabled Quest Chronicles (Book 3), Well-Tailored Books (→ISBN)
    “Sir, are you a...dwelf?” Bragg chuckled. “Yes, human. My people are dwelfs. All the strengths of both elves and dwarves but none of the weaknesses.” “I never thought I would see your kind, even though you are as plentiful as both elves ...
  • 2018, CJ Rutherford, Companion of Darkness, CJ Rutherford
    “You're a dwelf.” My face heated. “Sorry, it's just I've never seen one of your people before, just read about them... sorry, I mean, read about you.” He pulled the stool closer to the bed and sat down, his eyes gleaming with good humor ...
  • 1987, Foundation
    She embarks on a journey to his lair , aided not only by humans but by geblings , dwelfs and gaunts , discussion with whom gives her important insight into Imakulata's inter - species problems . The Unwyrm and the child he fathers are ...
  • 2016, Robert Richart, Promise the Infinite, Lulu.com (→ISBN), page 30:
    On a planet where all the Wise people have been called away and enslaved, a small creature, of the race of dwelfs, gathers knowledge. Her name is Heffiji. She has a very small brain and cannot retain a thought for more than a few ...
  • 2018, Austin Dragon, Comes the War Wizards' Wrath: Fabled Quest Chronicles (Book 3), Well-Tailored Books (→ISBN)
    “I have killed nineteen of the beasts. In my lands, I am renowned for my ability. In the lands of the dwelfs, we were plagued by the dark creatures. They killed many, including members of my own family. I learned to hunt them.
  • 2007, Susan Wittig Albert, The Tale of Cuckoo Brow Wood, Penguin (→ISBN)
    “I shouldn't think you'd want the children to be involved with those dwelves, Rascal. They're a trying, troublesome lot. You're lucky you got back safely.” Rascal hated to reveal his ignorance, but he felt he had to know, ...
  • 2018, CJ Rutherford, Companion of Darkness, CJ Rutherford
    I knew from my lessons that the dwelves lived in Grongarth, beings who burrowed underground, into the very rock itself. The mountains were the roof the dwelves lived beneath. I shivered. How could they live without the sun on their ...
  • 2020, Spencer Steeves, Everything Under the Sun, Covenant Publishing (→ISBN)
    Nobody had seen the Dwelves in many years, and most presumed them extinct, to few people's displeasure. "Is that really what's bothering you? Excuse me for laughing, but that seems like a silly grievance to have.
  • 2020, Austin Dragon, The Forest of Ancients: Fabled Quest Chronicles (Book 4), Well-Tailored Books (→ISBN)
    Fae-bloods and dwelves are the only fae I am unaware of, and don't know of their history with the Atlanteans.” “Fae-bloods have no history with the kingdom of Atlantea,” Ursi said. “Then your clans will be the first. Consider that too.