
English citations of electre

Noun: amber or mixed metal

1585 1730 1810 1902
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1585, James VI., The Essayes of a Prentise, in the Divine Art of Poesie, page #25:
    The fyfth is made of pale Electre light, []
  • 1730, Francis Bacon quoted in The Works of Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, Viscount St Alban, and Lord High Chancellor of England, Volume III., page #212:
    For if it be in beauty, and all the uſes aforeſaid equal to ſilver, it were a thing of ſingular profit to the ſtate, and to all particular perſons, to change ſilver plate or veſſel into the compound ſtuff, being a kind of ſilver electre, and to turn the reſt into coin.
  • 1810, William Drummond quoted in The works of the English poets, from Chaucer to Cowper, Volume V., page #705:
    Millions of angels in the lofty height,
    Clad in pure gold, and the electre bright,
    Ushering the way still where the Judges should move,
    In radiant rainbows vault the skies above ; []
  • 1902, Sophocles and John Swinnerton Phillimore, Sophocles, page #185:
    Profit away ! and traffic all you can,
    Sardian electre (¹²⁵) and gold of Hindustan !

Middle English citations of electre

  • 14th Century, John Wycliffe and his followers, The Holy Bible, Volume III., pages 501502:
    And y siȝ, and lo ! a whirle‐wynd cam fro the north, and a greet cloude, and fier wlappynge in, and briȝtnesse in the cumpas therof ; and as the licnesse of electre† fro the myddis therof, it, that is to saye, of the mydil of fijre, as a lickenesse of electre, that is, a metal of gold and syluere, cleerer than gold.