
English citations of emojification

Noun: "the conversion into an emoji or emojis or the creation of an emoji or emojis from an existing iconography"

2014 2016 2017 2018
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  • 2014, Zoe Mendelson, "Emojified: R. Kelly's Trapped in the Closet, Chapters 1, 2, & 4", WOMANZINE, page 17:
    Trapped in the Closet begged for emojification.
  • 2016, Eric Downey, Practical Swift[1], page xxi:
    I know I am going to enjoy all the emojification extensions and making life harder on my coworkers.
  • 2016, Andrew L M Shalit, William W. St. Clair, Jr., Methods and systems for improving data entry into user interfaces[2], US Patent US10394952B2:
    Similar functionality could also be implemented to support translation, emojification, etc.
  • 2017, James Perren, Applications of CALL Theory in ESL and EFL Environments[3], page 46:
    [] to send text, pictures, videos, sound, and location, including bubble and screen effects, emoji tapbacks and full-on emojification, digital touch and handwriting []
  • 2017, Gülcan Şener & G. Motif Atar, "The Transformation of Unique Turkish Cultural Symbols into Emoji: A Study of Cultural Symbols in Digital Communications", İstanbul Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi, Number 53 (2017), page 191:
    The goal of this study is to assess the demand for “emojification” of Turkish cultural symbols and determine the appropriate symbols to use in cultural interaction in Turkey.
  • 2018, Kyle Davidson & Jennifer Blair, "Semiotic Analysis of the Raised Fist Emoji As a Sign of Resilience", Semiotics (2018):
    However, this emojification of the Raised Fist changes its context.

Noun: ?

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  • 2019, Philip Seargeant, The Emoji Revolution: How Technology is Shaping the Future of Communication[4], page 172:
    Yet there are certain similarities in the way the influence that the former has had on society parallels that of the latter – and how the Disneyfication ethos finds a modern equivalent in the emojification of society.
  • 2019, Shu-Fang Liu, Hsin-Hsien Liu, Jung-Hua Chang, Han-Ni Chou, "Analysis of a new visual marketing craze: The effect of LINE sticker features and user characteristics on download willingness and product purchase intention", Asia Pacific Management review, Volume 24, Issue 3, September 2019, page 264:
    Virtual stickers act as emotional proxies or avatars for users, and can be posted during chat sessions to express the user's current mood. Brands should capitalize on the emojification of advertising to reach individual consumers more effectively.
  • 2019, Rebecca Uliasz, "Assemblages of Desire: Reappropriating Affective Technologies", A Peer-Reviewed Journal About, Volume 8, Number 1 (2019), page 87:
    Analytics mined from social media platforms might be fitted to models derived from FACS that enable affective intelligence to infer the way a users’ emotional disposition effects their browsing habits. Thus, an ‘affect’ is produced in an affective computer and constructed as a universal marker of an ‘emotion’ — an object of scientific truth, a sort of ‘emojification’ of a human feeling.