Citations:eye sex

English citations of eye sex

Noun: "(slang, idiomatic) a lustful or sexually-charged glance exchanged between two people"

1998 2007 2008 2010 2011 2012
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1998 — Cathie Linz, Too Sexy for Marriage, Harlequin (1998), →ISBN, unnumbered page:
    Eye sex. She'd heard the phrase but never experienced it before. The look he gave her was smoldering, showing her that he found her attractive.
  • 2007 — P. G. Jones, Prince Crapian and the Voyage of the Porn Trader, Vanguard Press (2007), →ISBN, page 99:
    'Carry on, Sir Kurt,' said Eduardo. 'Those two is too busy having eye sex to notice anyfink!"
  • 2008 — Rachel Gunn, Over on the East Side, Chipmunkpublishing (2008), →ISBN, page 87:
    Our eyes met. Plain and simple we were having eye sex. If his eyes were a pool I could've drowned in them, sunk to the bottom never to come up for air.
  • 2010 — Bill Cinque, The Amazing Adventures of a Marginally Successful Musician, iUniverse (2010), →ISBN, page 97:
    We played it again and I watched as the bride danced with her new husband but had eye sex with Tommy from across the room.
  • 2010 — Kate Walsh, Hush, Harper (2010), →ISBN, page 21:
    "When?" he asked, a little smile at the corner of his mouth. He held her eyes hard now. So this was eye sex, she thought.
  • 2011 — Alex Gonzalez, Wild Prep: Crazy Beautiful Life, AuthorHouse (2011), →ISBN, page 18:
    For a moment, the two looked at each other directly in the eyes. How cute! Lily had never experienced eye sex before. She looked down, feeling awkward and uneasy.
  • 2012 — Margaret Watson, The Woman He Knows, Harlequin (2012), →ISBN, unnumbered page:
    "Yeah, that's what I thought. You two better get busy and do more than ogle each other. 'Cause if you don't, the eye sex is going to burn this place to the ground."