
English citations of faitheist

Noun: atheist who thinks faith should not be criticized

  • 1999 May 19, HpstrDufuz, “Re: Fallacious Argument ?”, in[1] (Usenet), message-ID <>:
    He's a faitheist.
  • 2002 May 13, Robert Shepherd, “Re: Authorized Version Defended”, in[2] (Usenet), message-ID <>:
    I do not think that it is fair for unbelievers to think that all faitheists are softies, or suckers, or sissies.
  • 2009 July 26, Daniel Fincke, “On The Alleged Intolerance Of The New Atheists Towards “Faitheists””, in Camels With Hammers[3], retrieved 2012-10-24:
    Those are all appeals made either to the assumptions that Dennett shares with the belief-believers (or “faitheists”) or to their own priorities in ways that challenge their essential reasons for believing in belief.
  • 2009 August 18, “meet the faitheists?”, in weird things[4], archived from the original on 2010-12-22:
    Basically, a faitheist is a person who makes it a point to mention that he’s an atheist through and through while talking about all the good religion does, that belief in the supernatural makes people happy, that religion inspired science and enforces morality, i.e. all the claims you’d hear from a theist defending his faith.
  • 2009 August 19, dofang, “Distortions of the New Atheists prevent substantive debate about their impact (comment)”, in[5], retrieved 2012-10-24:
    I see the "faitheists" as parallels to the quietly closeted gays who cringed at the tactics of Act Up or the sit-in counter veterans who shook their heads at Malcolm X. I just wish the faitheists (I'm tempted to call them "Uncle Chrises") would use more intellectually honest approach to the debate about atheist tactics.
  • 2009 September 17, Jerry A. Coyne, “We have a winner!”, in Why Evolution Is True[6], archived from the original on 2010-02-05:
    And that winner is . . . . . ** FAITHEISTS,** contributed by Divalent. This will be the word that I use from now on, so I expect everyone to learn it.
  • 2009 October 5, Josh Rosenau, “On accomodationism”, in Thoughts from Kansas[7], retrieved 2012-10-24:
    Maybe accommodationist and faitheist are synonyms, even, with one just more obviously insulting than the other.
  • 2009 November 19, John Brockman, “36 Arguments for the Existence of God: Introduction”, in Edge[8], archived from the original on 2009-11-22:
    It was in response to the highly organized and well-financed campaign by the religious right that led champions of rational thinking such as Jerry Coyne, Richard Dawkins, Daniel C. Dennett, Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens, A.C. Grayling, and P.Z. Myers to mount an unrelenting campaign against the purveyors of superstition, supernaturalism, ignorance ... and their apologists (the self-proclaimed "moderates", or to use more apt terms, the "accommodationists", or the "faitheists").
  • 2009 November 27, Bjørn Østman, “Critical thinking in Cairo (a first)”, in Pleiotropy[9], retrieved 2012-11-01:
    At this point it may sound to the reader like I am aiming at "beautifying the level of the discourse," such as other faitheists have proposed.
  • 2009 December 28, PZ Myers, “Yet more sequins for god”, in Phayrngula[10], retrieved 2012-10-24:
    It seems like there’s this weird industry generating lame apologetics for religion now, busily churning out half-assed books for the faitheists.
  • 2010 June 28, Mark Jones, “You Really Aren't Helping”, in Good Grief, Linus[11], archived from the original on 2010-10-19:
    You're Not Helping is a blog started by a faitheist; that is, an atheist who sees value in faith or, at least, that some respect for their beliefs is in order. Even more particularly, a faitheist thinks that some atheist behaviour (typically labelled 'new atheist') is driving a wedge between 'moderate' theists and the rest of rational society
  • 2010 September 24, Michael Gray <>, “Onther one bites the dust...”, in alt.atheism[12] (Usenet), message-ID <>:
    Another humanist "thinker" who should know better has joined the rank ranks of the faitheists & godly-coddlers.
  • 2011 March 7, Christopher E. Grenade, “When good faith fails.”, in cgrenade::streams[13], archived from the original on 2011-07-17:
    For instance, following an argument about the methodological incompatibilities between science and faith, using a term like "faitheist" adds a social cost to using the same discredited arguments (such as "they must be compatible--- to prove it, here's a religious scientist") to justify complete compatibility. In order to be effective, one arguing for compatibility must either provide a novel demonstration of why the arguments packaged up in "faitheist" are wrong, or they must provide novel arguments not addressed in preceding discussions.
  • 2011 March 25, Dan Paetkau, “Have your say: Religion still thrives”, in Winnipeg Free Press[14], →ISSN, retrieved 2012-11-17:
    Some days I just wish more people like Nietzsche were around. At least then the Church would have a worthy adversary, rather than the "faitheists" that now abound.
  • 2012 July 18, Diana Gonimah, “Interfaith Leadership Institute discusses religion and ‘faitheism’”, in The Daily Pennsylvanian[15]:
    He explained his drive as one that “fosters interfaith engagement and cooperation between the religious and the nonreligious. I am a Faitheist.”
  • 2012 September 11, Jacques Berlinerblau, How to Be Secular: A Call to Arms for Religious Freedom, Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, →ISBN, →OL, page 61:
    In fact, New Atheists gleefully tar moderate atheists as “accommodationists” and “faitheists.”
  • 2012 November 6, Chris Stedman, Faitheist: How an Atheist Found Common Ground with the Religious, Boston: Beacon Press, →ISBN, →OL, page 1:
    “Yes,” he said without inflection. “There's nothing worse than a ‘faitheist’.”
  • 2012 October 30, Bruce Gorton, “Why atheists don’t respect faitheists – and you shouldn’t either”, in Butterflies & Wheels[16], retrieved 2012-10-30:
    A faitheist is essentially an atheist who argues for “politeness” in atheist/religious discourse, in which the polite path is essentially the atheists shut up.
  • 2013 January 17, Russell Blackford, “New issue of Free Inquiry … plus a bit about faitheism”, in Skeptic Ink[17], retrieved 2013-01-17:
    Short version: I have a fair bit to say about the book, pro and con; there is much to enjoy and admire about the book; but I end by arguing that we should not be faitheists. I.e., we should not be atheists who view religion as a good thing, beyond satire, not a fair target for robust criticism, etc.


  • 2002 May 31, Robert Shepherd, “Re: my opposition to CPS”, in alt.parenting.spanking[18] (Usenet), message-ID <>:
    Well, I echo that noble sentiment, but we who, whether pagan, monotheist, philosophical ethical believism, biblical metaphysicalism, or my own judeo-christian faitheist traditionalism, we are all judged by our actions.
  • 2009 November 26, Jerry A. Coyne, “Michael Shermer, theologian”, in Why Evolution Is True[19]:
    But lately he’s been assuming the faitheist mantle more and more often (could it be because of Templeton sponsorship?).
  • 2010 October 22, Michael Gray <>, “Re: OT (Music): Just for kicks..”, in alt.atheism (Usenet), message-ID <>:
    When I hear the bullshit dribbling from the faitheist, godly-coddler, or arse-licking accomodationists such as the excreble Chris Mooney, or even, oh dear wassername? (don't get old, folks), oh yes the otherwise admirable Eugenie Scott, who I try very hard to like but struggle to with her low-end political accomodationist bullshit of the ilk that "Science & Faith need not be incompatible" political LIES.

Noun: one who takes nonexistence of gods on faith

  • 2000 October 5, Warren Allen Smith, Who's Who in Hell: A Handbook and International Directory for Humanists, Freethinkers, Naturalists, Rationalists, and Non-Theists[20], Barricade Books, →ISBN, →OL, keyword “faith atheism”, page 361:
    Calling themselves religious, the faitheists differ from the standard variety of atheists, who do not regard atheism as a religion. Instead, faitheists realize that it is impossible to prove that no god or gods exist, just as theists cannot prove that a god does exist. The faitheists, however, have faith that no god exists. {The Freethinker, November-December 1998}
  • 2010 July 1, RichD, “Re: Lies versus the truth - environmentalist quackery”, in humanities.philosophy.objectivism[21] (Usenet), message-ID <>:
    He approaches it as an economist, excoriating the econazis for ignoring cost/benefit analysis, and acting like faitheists, ideologically.
  • 2012 April 6, US4ZION <>, “Re: Operation SwineLube: Western World strikes back against holocaust deniers & Baal-allahites”, in alt.atheism[22] (Usenet), message-ID <>:
    "Hell no" says the Faitheist, "don't bother me with facts or proof". "I am the son of an ape and that settles that".
  • 2012 May 8, RogerN, “Re: The Reappearance of the Christ (He's also known as the World Teacher, the Messiah, the fifth Buddha, Maitreya, Krishna, & the Imam Mahdi)”, in rec.crafts.metalworking[23] (Usenet), message-ID <>:
    A historian that doesn't believe in Jesus still believes he existed, about the only people that don't believe it are the faith atheists (faitheists?).

Noun: believer in God pretending to be an atheist

  • 1933, Richard Carlyle, The Psalms of Krishna[24]:
    The deepest faitheists / These sceptics are; they merely like to spout / High arguments on non-essential things. [] Ah, yes, they all believe in Me, and prayer / Doth move their lips when evolution’s eye / Can’t pierce the dark for them.
  • 2003 June 22, Pastor Brent <>, “Re: An atheist loses faith”, in[25] (Usenet), message-ID <>:
    Hey, beware the faitheist in atheist's clothing! They're worse than any other religious folk!

Noun: atheist who attends religious services or performs religious rituals

  • 2006 October 8, Gersh Kuntzman, “The new ‘faitheists’”, in The Brooklyn Papers[26], page 3:
    Call them “the new faitheists,” a growing number of Brooklynites who are turned off to organized religion — there’s just too much “God begat this” and “God smote that” for them — yet still need spirituality in their lives.

Noun: atheist who thinks religion is good for society as a whole

  • 2014 April 22, Jerry Coyne, “Atheists Could Learn a Lot from Religious People About How to Win Debates”, in The New Republic[27]:
    Religious people and “faitheists”—my term for nonbelievers who feel that religion is good for society as a whole—have been using a new strategy against atheists.