Citations:far gone

  • 1816, A short account of the proceedings of the Society, Society for superseding the necessity of climbing boys, page 20:
    Another medical gentleman and myself then made a puncture in the throat, to restore life, if possible, by the injection of air. We also tried the usual method of rubbing the stomach with vinegar and salt; but he was too far gone to restore him.
  • 1833, W.T. Bree, “Remarks on the Fall of an age Ash Tree”, in The Magazine of natural history, page 333:
    The small stag-beetle, however, and its congener, the Sinodéndron, like the woodpeckers, I am satisfied, commit no injury on the living or sound wood; attacking such only as they already find far gone in a state of decay
  • 1836, Cyrus Redding, A History and Description of Modern Wines, page 46:
    This mischief is remedied if the wine be not too far gone, and possess strength and body, by racking it into a cask just emptied of sound wine, and sulphured.
  • 1924, P.J. Howe, “Prolonging the Life of Poles”, in Railway Signaling and Communications, volume 17, page 450:
    Some are so far gone that they must be replaced this year or next.
  • 1994, Kevin Jan Bonner, Furniture Restoration and Repair for Beginners, page 52:
    I always think that if the polish is that far gone, then it needs to be renewed anyway.
  • 2013, Rosalind Noonan, And Then She Was Gone:
    He said they gave her medicine and oxygen and stuff, but she was just too far gone.
  • 2014, Clive Kristen, David Johnson, A French Restoration: La Maison d'Etre:
    We had hoped to restore the two large windows in the living room but close inspection confirmed that they were too far gone.
  • 2015, Sam Jefferson, Sea Fever:
    Papeete proved a tricky hunting ground for new masts, for it soon became clear that both fore and main were far gone and would need to be replaced.
  • 2017, Collin Kleer, Full-Size Ford Restoration: 1960-1964, page 40:
    When it comes to rust repair, there is always the decision of how far is too far gone.
Having deviated greatly from the normal desired course
  • 1857, Charles H. Spurgeon, Presumptuous Sins:
    There is pardon for such a one — there is full pardon to those who are brought to repentance; but few of such men ever receive it; for when they are so far gone as to sin presumptuously, because they wish do it — to sin merely for the sake of showing their disregard for God and for God's law, we say of such, there is pardon for them, but it is wondrous grace which brings them into such a condition that they are willing to accept it.
  • 1873, Thomas Rawson Birks, First Principles of Moral Science, page 112:
    Man, however far gone from original righteousness, or the standard of a pure and perfect love, is not therefore hopelessly fallen.
  • 1904, Henry James, The Golden Bowl:
    She can live as yet, of course, but from hand to mouth; but she has worked it out for herself, I think, that the very danger of Fawns, superficially looked at, may practically amount to a greater protection. THERE the lovers -- if they ARE lovers!-- will have to mind.They'll feel it for themselves, unless things are too utterly far gone with them.
  • 2006, Charles R. Swindoll, The Darkness and the Dawn, page 145:
    If there was ever a fellow too far gone, it was Mel Trotter. He was an alcoholic who cared only about one thing in life: his next drink.
  • 2011, Mike Yaconelli, Scott Koenigsaecher, Get 'Em Talking: 104 Discussion Starters for Youth Groups, page 29:
    Sometimes a discussion is so far gone that the best way to restore order is to end the discussion.
In an advanced state of a transformation
  • 1897, H.G. Wells, The War of the Worlds, page 42:
    Their world is far gone in its cooling and this world is still crowded with life, but crowded only with what they regard as inferior animals.
  • 1999, Reynolds Price, Roxanna Slade: A Novel, page 43:
    I was sleeping on a cot at the foot of Miss Olivia's bed, and I woke up suddenly to hear her breathing far gone in deep rest.
  • 2011, R. M. Patterson, Far Pastures:
    Faced simultaneously with one crackpot boy cavorting on a bedstead, one frantic woman putting on an act like the Bad Fairy in the pantomime, and three men sitting in the river, too furious even to swear, we were by now far gone in laughter.
Not in ones right mind
  • 2007, Ron Carlson, At the Jim Bridger: Stories:
    He was thinking of babies and had said as much. He was way in, far gone.
  • 2009, Arthur Kitson, The Life of Captain James Cook, page 102102:
    Banks says the crew were rather sickly, they: "were pretty far gone with the longing for home, which the physicians have gone so far as to esteem a disease under the name of Nostalgia.
  • 2010, Steve Martin, An Object of Beauty:
    To feel comfortable spending that much in a short time, one must, I assume, have a multiple of the at least ten or twenty times. That is, unless you are far gone. I think Lacey was far gone for several months, perhaps deprived of oxygen from her long Russian flights.
  • 2012, Carrie Fisher, Wishful Drinking:
    When you qualify for the mental hospital, you have to sign yourself in, like commitment papers, I guess; but I was so far gone I didn't know what I was signing or doing, and so when they put the papers in front of me, I took the pen and I signed with my left hand, "Shame."
  • 2012, Howard B. White, Copp’d Hills Towards Heaven Shakespeare and the Classical Polity, page 40:
    He is too far gone in sorrow, and that is quite understandable.
  • 2014, Zoë Druick, Gerda Cammaer, Cinephemera, page 68:
    He feels he is now a case for psychiatry and as such he is too far gone for discussion by the intended audience.
  • 1837, Great Britain. Central Criminal Court, Central Criminal Court. Minutes of Evidence - Volume 7, page 281:
    I do not know any more that passed — the prisoner had been drinking, but was not so far gone but what he knew what he was about.
  • 2008, Rachel Van Meers, Daniel Chase, Lost in the Fog: Memoir of a Bastard, page 178:
    She had been drinking gin and she was far gone.
  • 2011, Camiel Dekens, Riverman, Desertman, page 113:
    To see a man so far gone with drink that he can't come back is terrible to watch and tiresome to talk about. Old Solon Perin sometimes seemed that kind of drunk,
  • 2015, Mercedes Rochelle, Godwine Kingmaker: Part One of The Last Great Saxon Earls:
    He tried to drink the ale that Ulf shoved into his hand, but the liquid tasted bitter to him. Godwine was not really thirsty; it was time to screw up his courage now, before his companion was too far gone in drink.