Citations:free helicopter ride

English citations of free helicopter ride

  • 2019 December 5, “Amazon pulls Chile dictatorship 'death flights' T-shirts after backlash”, in The Guardian:
    T-shirts making light of such atrocities have become popular among the far right, and were openly on sale on Amazon – where shoppers could choose garments emblazoned with Pinochet’s face alongside images of helicopters or slogans such as “Free Helicopter Rides”.
  • 2019 April 16, Noah Berlatsky, “The Far Right Doesn't Want to Beat the Left; It Wants to Exterminate It”, in Pacific Standard:
    Memes and jokes about "free helicopter rides" for leftists like Bernie Sanders have become common on the right as well.
  • 2020 June 26, Derek Royden, “2020: The year anti-fascists became terrorists”, in Nation of Change:
    Regardless, the use of the symbol in an American election campaign is chilling, reminiscent of calls for ‘free helicopter rides’ for leftists a couple of years ago, which referenced a technique of shoving blindfolded political prisoners out of the vehicles while in flight, used most famously by Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet to kill his political opponents.
  • 2020 August 11, Siddharth Venkataramakrishnan, “Far-right finds new online home in”, in Financial Times:
    Other posts cite “free helicopter rides” — a reference to the killing of political opponents by throwing them from an aircraft.
  • [2020, Cathy Young, “The Guillotine Mystique”, in Reason:
    So far, this revolutionary playacting has been more annoying than terrifying: Much like far-right memes about "helicopter rides," a reference to extrajudicial executions via helicopter drop, it's about trolling, not killing, the enemy.]
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  • 2020 May 27, Chorbais Dichault, “A Response to the Murder of George Floyd”, in Patheos:
    Any talk of White Privilege™ in this day and age is Marxist talk and merits a free helicopter ride.
  • 2020 July 25, BlackCracka, “Three Human Smugglers Sentenced for Texas Stash House Operation”, in Breitbart:
    They should be dead by hanging and then dropped out of a free helicopter ride over Tijuana