
English citations of galaxywide and galaxy-wide

Adjective: "throughout a galaxy"

1940 1949 1951 1959 1989 2010 2013 2019
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1940 September, Isaac Asimov, “Homo Sol”, in Astounding Science-Fiction, volume 26, number 1, page 124:
    We have a race of Humanoids of a superlatively technological turn; possessing at the same time an intrinsically unscientific belief in supernatural forces, an incredibly childish predilection toward individuality, singly and in groups, and, worst of all, lack of sufficient vision to embrace a galaxy-wide culture.
  • 1946 May, George Oliver Smith, “Pattern for Conquest”, in Astounding Science-Fiction, volume 37, number 3, page 175:
    Sscantoo will reap the benefits of a Galaxy-wide culture.
  • 1949 January, Henry Kuttner, “Time Axis”, in Startling Stories, volume 18, number 3, page 50:
    I immediately assigned an all-out search, Galaxywide.
  • 1951, Isaac Asimov, Foundation, page 69:
    Don't you see? It's Galaxy-wide. It's a worship of the past. It's a deterioration—a stagnation!
  • 1951 March, Leigh Brackett, “Starmen of Llyrdis”, in Startling Stories, volume 23, number 1, page 72:
    All this vast ordered turmoil of routine and activity, all the galaxy-wide trade that centered here, the thousand-year solidity of Vardda commercial monopoly—how could he have dreamed that a pitifully faint and aborted radio call could ever shake it?
  • 1959 June, Larry M. Harris, “Extracts from the Galactick Almanack”, in Galaxy[1], volume 17, number 5, page 136:
    Critics on both sides of what rapidly became a Galaxywide controversy were forced, however, to acknowledge the magnificent playing of the Student Orchestra and its great technical attainments.
  • 1989, Jack McKinney, The End of the Circle, →ISBN, page 203:
    Protoculture supply was dwindling, the galaxywide war running down like clockwork as both sides' resources and infrastructures declined.
  • 2010, NASA, Hubble, 2009: Science Year in Review:
    The analysis, led by Kristen McGuinn of the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, shows that starburst activity in a dwarf galaxy occurs on a galaxy-wide scale.
  • 2013 March 19, Greg Bear, String 18, in Halo: Silentium (Forerunner Saga; 3), New York: Tor, →ISBN, page 187:
    Perhaps most alarming, reports arrive each hour of reawakened Precursor artifacts, including orbital ribbons, star roads, planetary fortresses, and citadels. Combined defense forces are inadequate to investigate and confirm all instances of these reactivations. They appear to be galaxy-wide.
  • 2013 October 23, The Doubleclicks, “Now I Am The Fastest”, in President Snakes[2], published 2015 August 11:
    After three decades of nuclear fallout / And galaxy-wide laser war / The evacuation was mostly complete / And then came the poisonous spores
  • 2019 March 2, “Legendary Stray”, in DEMONDICE (lyrics), ALLAtheNinety (music), Kakigori Galaxy Astronaut[3]:
    Galaxy-wide? Nah I ain’t gotta be notorious / Inglorious me, who still can’t write a proper story