Citations:gates of hell

English citations of gates of hell

  • 1907, Wilfred Mark Webb, The Heritage of Dress: Being Notes on the History and Evolution of Clothes, page 344:
    ... sleeves and tightly laced bodice of the time. A hundred years later English preachers took exception to laced openings through which ladies showed their costly under-linen, and dignified them with the name of "gates of hell."
  • 2002, Maura Spiegel, Lithe Sebesta, The Breast Book: Attitude, Perception, Envy & Etiquette, Workman Publishing Company (→ISBN)
    Corsets (and the exposure of the bosom) attracted controversy from early on. Medieval churchmen viewed the front lacings of bodices as "the gates of hell," and French essayist Montaigne attacked the ...
  • 2020, Richard Shaw Pooler, Leonardo Da Vinci's Treatise of Painting: The Story of The World's Greatest Treatise on Painting - Its Origins, History, Content, And Influence, Vernon Press (→ISBN), page 56:
    She [Agnès Sorel] had the disarming habit of walking the battlements with her laced bodice open, revealing her breasts. The Church referred to her laced bodice as 'the gates of Hell!' About five years later, in 1450, she died from Mercury poisoning, ...