
English citations of granfalloon

  • 2008, Robert C. Aldridge, "[1]", America in Peril (Hope Publishing House), page 148:
    It is this cognitive nature of a granfalloon that cult leaders use to motivate members. By getting members to link their self esteem to the group, the leaders manipulate behavior–in essence saying: "You are on my side (never mind that I created the teams), now act like it and do what we say." They don't speak that bluntly but this is the message conveyed. That is the motivational aspect.
  • 2009, Gay Lumsden, Donald Lumsden, Carolyn Wiethoff, Communicating in Groups and Teams: Sharing Leadership, →ISBN, page 281:
    All of these are reasonable if we seriously answer our questions and if we do not commit the errors of teamism or hiding behind a granfalloon.
  • 2011, Anthony R. Pratkanis, "[2]", The Science of Social Influence: Advances and Future Progress (Psychology Press), page 18:
    A social influence tactic that appears to be common to all social species is the development of ingroup and outgroup boundaries and the use of this social group, be it a colony, hive, school, pack, troop, or granfalloon of Homo sapiens, to make decisions and choices.
  • 2013, John Mauk, John Metz, "[3]", The Composition of Everyday Life (Cengage Learning), page 487:
    And this is our individual expression—brand selection. On marches the rich kids' granfalloon, wearing its seventy-dollar Tommy Hilfiger jeans. On marches the in-crowd girls' granfalloon, signifying its lofty social attitude with Roxy sweathshirts and pink Adidas shoes. And on marches the wannabe jocks' granfalloon, t-shirts and warm-up pants plastered with any number of athletically oriented logos. This is my generation.
  • 2013, Felix Lebed, Michael Bar-Eli, Complexity and Control in Team Sports, →ISBN, page 124:
    Accordingly, any group of agents whose dynamics develop around personal attraction only is an “attractive granfalloon.” The case of typical “task granfalloon” groups can be illustrated by temporary employees or a group mobilized for a Survival-type TV reality show.
  • 2014, John O'Shaughnessy, Competitive Marketing (RLE Marketing):, →ISBN:
    The answer lies in the so—called "granfalloon" technique, with the word “granfalloon” meaning a meaningless association.“ The granfalloon technique is commonly employed in advertising.