English citations of h/c and H/C

Initialism: "(fandom slang) hurt/comfort"

2002 2004 2005 2008 2010
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2002, Fee Folay, quoted in Will Brooker, Using the Force: Creativity, Community and Star Wars Fans, Continuum (2002), →ISBN, page 137:
    I have never heard this given as a reason for writing H/C fanfic from those authors I have met or spoken to ... certainly, in my case, I am not aware of using my fanfic to work out personal problems, even though much of what I have written falls into the H/C category.
  • 2004, Nicholas Sammond, Steel Chair to the Head: The Pleasure and Pain of Professional Writing, Duke University Press (2004), →ISBN, page 183:
    Both h/c (hurt/comfort stories, in which one or both members of a pair are injured in some way, creating emotional closeness) and AU (alternate universe stories, in which the characters are taken out of the source text and placed in a different time or place) are subgenres in their own right, but are also commonly found as elements in slash, het (heterosexual relationship), and gen (nonsexual, or general audience) stories.
  • 2005, Rhiannon Bury, Cyberspaces of Their Own: Female Fandoms Online, Peter Lang (2005), →ISBN, page 72:
    A genre such as "hurt/comfort" ("h/c," in which one protagonist is injured and then comforted by the other) is considered slash if the act of offering comfort is sexual.
  • 2008, "Glossary", in Boys' Love Manga: Essays on the Sexual Ambiguity and Cross-Cultural Fandom of the Genre (eds. Antonia Levi, Mark McHarry & Dru Pagliassotti), McFarland & Company (2008), →ISBN, page 259:
    In boys' love and slash, h/c is also a way to add a homoerotic dimension to an otherwise ostensibly homosocial relationship.
  • 2010, Sharalyn Orbaugh, "Girls reading Harry Potter, girls writing desire: amateur manga and shōjo reading practices", in Girl Reading Girl in Japan (eds. Tomoko Aoyama & Barbara Hartley), Routledge (2010), →ISBN, page 180:
    Stories of rape in yaoi fictions often fit a pattern known in English-language slash as hurt/comfort (or h/c), wherein the male victim of some kind of violence or humiliation (sexual or otherwise) is comforted by a male friend (sometimes also the person who has just committed the assault), leading naturally to scenes of tender intimacy between the comforter and comforted.