
English citations of heterofascism and hetero-fascism

Noun: "authoritarian or aggressive support for heteronormativity"

1990 1996 2005 2011 2013
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1990, "Hetero-fascism not a problem in Amerika, expert claims", New Republic, 23 April 1990
  • 1996 January 12, DAnder9829 [username], “Re: The Pink Friend of the German Jews: Ernst Roehm the Homosexual”, in alt.revisionism[1] (Usenet):
    Attempting (and failing) to Expose Homosexuality In The Nazi Party and in the process, exposing Heterofascism in America.
  • 2005, Surya Monro, Gender Politics: Citizenship, Activism, and Sexual Diversity, Palgrave Macmillan (2005), →ISBN, page 47:
    Interviewer: Can you say a bit about what you think about gender categorisation?
    Salmacis: Yeah, I call it heterofascism. Gender categorisation can be best described as a large machine with lots of pins that dig into the sense of self and tear the mind to pieces.
  • 2011, Leo Robson, "Hate: a Romance by Tristan Garcia", New Statesman, 17 February 2011:
    The two eventually fall out, violently and publicly, over Aids, which Willie comes to see as "a moral argument that's trying to police our sexuality", just as Doumé and Leibo fall out over the latter's alleged "heterofascism".
  • 2013 December 20 (airdate), Pierce Morgan Live, CNN:
    Glenn Beck: Do you know what happened last week in Russia? One of their biggest stars on television said that homosexuals should be put into the ovens alive. I didn't think you could make the Holocaust worse, but he's like, "Why the gas chamber? That seems a little too humane. Let's put them alive in the ovens." I said on the air this week, I will stand with GLAAD. I will stand with anybody who will stand up and say that's crazy. That's dangerous. That's hetero-fascism. That's what that is.