
English citations of hippopotomonstrosesquipedalian

  • 2012, Richard Lederer, Amazing Words: An Alphabetical Anthology of Alluring, Astonishing, Beguiling, Bewitching, Enchanting, Enthralling, Mesmerizing, Miraculous, Tantalizing, Tempting, and Transfixing Words, Marion Street Press →ISBN
    Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis. This hippopotomonstrosesquipedalian word is the longest enshrined in Merriam Webster's Third New International Dictionary and, since 1982, the longest in the Oxford English Dictionary.
  • 1999, Paul Hellweg, The Wordsworth book of intriguing words, Wordsworth Editions Ltd →ISBN
    In a somewhat similar vein, Mrs. Byrne's Dictionary defines hippopotomonstrosesquipedalian as "pertaining to a very, very long word" — and that's just what this chapter is about. We'll be taking a look at some incredibly long words from a ...
  • 2010, Margaret Meikle, How Much Does Your Head Weigh?, Scholastic Canada →ISBN, page 386
    At 29 letters, we have floccinaucinihilipilification, the categorizing of something as worthless or trivial. • And at 30 letters, hippopotomonstrosesquipedalian, means qualities which — quite appropriately — pertaining to a long word. What do you ...
  • 1987, Mark Lemon, Henry Mayhew, Tom Taylor, Shirley Brooks, Sir Francis Cowley Burnand, Sir Owen Seaman, London Charivari
    His delightful The Game of Words and its sequel fairly teem with palindromes, clerihews, conundrums, spoonerisms, acrostic verses and outlandish words such as hippopotomonstrosesquipedalian (pert, to a longer than sesquipedalian word) .