
English citations of illibidinous

Noun: not libidinous; lacking all libido

  • 2002 April, “JohnM” (username), The Boys from Brazil (review), § 13:
    Santos-Dumont was a Francophile and his Encantada library books include Victor Hugo’s complete works. He went to Paris first for medical treatment in 1891 and returned in 1892, 1896 and 1897 where, one biographer put it tactfully, he spent “16 years of illibidinous character”.
  • 2011 June 30th, “billsnshits” (username), comment 4661 under Hello, Kitty – Stryker responds to my ‘female gaze’ critique, by “Quiet Riot Girl” (username):
    The feel of women’s fashion is either serious or wispy, never hard sex. In that sense, it definitely IS a limit on women’s behavior. While men’s fashion does everything, including the porny sex. // Maybe it’s from such a desexualized female, an illibidinous woman, that kitty stryker wants to escape.
  • 2011 August 29th, “Mr. Dreadful” (username), “Why choose monogamy?”, post 80, h2g2:
    A poly relationship does not even have to involve sex at all… there’s a lass I’m currently getting to know (yes, Mrs. D does know) who is at the moment completely illibidinous (long story, none of your business). I am going into this knowing that we might never have sex and that doesn’t bother me.