
English citations of in-betweeny

Adjective: "of or pertaining to an in-between state"

2004 2005 2007 2013
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2004, Cherry Whytock, Angel: Secrets, Suspicions and Sun-Kissed Beaches, Piccadilly Press (2004), →ISBN, page 64:
    The bottoms are a kind of semi thong - not so teensy on the in-betweeny bit that they are in danger of disappearing you-know-where, but not so huge that they look like a pair of Flossie's thermals.
  • 2005, Carole Cadwalladr, The Family Tree, Dutton (2005), →ISBN, page 141:
    She thought about the color black, the nature of blackness, and the in-betweeny shades therein.
  • 2005, Nicholas Leonard, Brave New What?, →ISBN, page 50:
    I asked her whether more could be done institutionally to help what might be called 'in-betweeny' children, those who are neither unrealistically well-behaved nor anti-social criminals, to grow up more happily with less trauma and trouble for their parents.
  • 2007, Stephen Cottrell, Do Nothing to Change Your Life: Discovering What Happens When You Stop, Seabury Books (2008), →ISBN, page 3:
    I half slept and half woke and enjoyed for several hours that dreamy, in-betweeny state of living that hovers between consciousness and sleep.
  • 2007, Matt Seaton, Two Wheels: Thoughts from the Bike Lane, Guardian Books (2007), →ISBN, unnumbered page:
    Then there are those in-betweeny spring and autumn days when you're in two minds about what the “real-feel” temperature is — and no matter what you wear, it always seems to be the wrong thing.
  • 2013, Kathy Iandoli, Halcyon review, Vice, Volume 19, Number 10, October 2012, page 142:
    No fucks were given for the original (sorry), but Ellie's take on electronic music and in-betweeny folktronica is nothing short of brilliant.

Noun: "something of an in-between or intermediate state"

1991 2005 2010
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1991, Stephanie Anne Lloyd (with Sandra Sedgbeer), Stephanie: A Girl in a Million, Ebury Press (1991), →ISBN, page 100:
    I was an in-betweeny, neither one thing nor the other, and though on the one hand it was frustrating and at times even made me feel freakish, there were also many occasions when my situation gave me cause for amusement.
  • 2005, John Lynch, Torn Water, Fourth Estate (2005), →ISBN, page 113:
    He calls her an 'in-betweeny', neither a Taig nor a Prod, and that she should never have tried to be something she is not.
  • 2010, Peter Cheverton, Building the Value Machine: Transforming Your Business Through Collaborative Customer Partnerships, Kogan Page (2010), →ISBN, page 129:
    A suboptimal outcome usually results when a business vacillates between the two – becoming an 'in-betweeny' – or where there are tensions between key functions, pulling in opposite directions through their allegiance to different strategies.