Anything concave

  • 2003 July 23, Christina Peterson, “I figured it out!”, in rec.crafts.beads[1] (Usenet):
    I like dots that are the center of a swirl. And the kind of analagous [sic] colors that look good for innies (plunges) are also the ones that look good for outies (bumpies)
  • 2005 August 9, George, “Mahogany Bowl Mishap”, in rec.crafts.woodturning[2] (Usenet):
    Weakness of destructive grips - non wedge types - is that they are as likely as not to push the nose of the jaws out of register with the shoulder as into. With a dovetail, the wedge draws tight up against the shoulder, whether that is an innie or an outie.

A vagina seen simplistically as an inverted penis

  • 2006 January 9, Penelope Periwinkle, “A lazy man with loonie theories”, in[3] (Usenet):
    No, no, no, I'm not suggesting cutting anything off, just that Joffrey was simply what Cercei would have been if she had been born with an outie instead of an innie.
  • 2007 January 10, “Story: African Princess (M/tg,F/tg,dom,strap on,transition,young)”, in[4] (Usenet):
    "You have a cock!" she yelled, as she ran into the bathroom and closed the door.
    I went up to the door and spoke softly through the door to her "I call it an outie. It was supposed to be changed to an innie, but the Prince stopped the surgery."
  • 2012 March 21, Natalie Reed, “Gender Expression Is Not Gender Identity”, in Sincerely, Natalie Reed[5]:
    Physiological sex is how your body is configured in relation to gendered anatomy (like your chromosomes, your hormones, your breasts or lack thereof, your body and facial hair or lack thereof, and whether you have an innie or an outie).

A woman

  • 2003 April 23, “SharonB endorses violence by women against men”, in[6] (Usenet):
    The farie tale world where the innies are gentle and caring creatures and outies are ravening beasts.

An anus that puckers inwards

  • 2008 January 12, Taylor, “Self-hating Latina Jessica Alba trashes "those people" in scandalous interview: finally cut loose"”, in alt.showbiz.gossip[7] (Usenet):
    Plus, I hear his anus has gone from an "innie" to an "outie".

An introvert

  • 2002, Marti Olsen Laney, The Introvert Advantage: How Quiet People Can Thrive in an Extrovert World, Workman Publishing (→ISBN), page 195:
    Why don't innies disclose more or promote themselves?
  • 2007, Marti Olsen Laney, Michael L. Laney, The Introvert & Extrovert in Love: Making It Work When Opposites Attract, New Harbinger Publications (→ISBN)
    Outie expands the innie's experiences in the world. Innie encourages outie to slow down and enjoy hearth and home. Innie keeps the outie focused. Outie can, at times, speak up for the innie. Outie has the limelight.
  • 2013, Joan Pastor, Success as an Introvert For Dummies, John Wiley & Sons (→ISBN)
    Whether you're planning activities for a younger innie child or an older one, be aware that it can be difficult for these kids to separate from their parents or leave their homes for long stretches.