
English citations of instalove and insta-love

Noun: "(informal) quick or instantaneous affection"

2013 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2023
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2013, Sarah Alderson, The Sound, unnumbered page:
    Also, unlike Edward Cullen, the voice in my head pipes up, Jesse most certainly hasn't fallen in insta-love with me and isn't torturing himself over the fact that he can't be with me in case he eats me.
  • 2013, Tiffany King, No Attachments, unnumbered page:
    Besides, I'd always told myself I didn't believe in insta-love.
  • 2015, Nancy Cassidy, Quickies: Writing Short Fiction for the Romance Market, unnumbered page:
    The biggest cliché is insta-love or insta-lust. This is to be avoided at all cost.
  • 2015, Kendra Leigh Castle, Every Little Kiss, unnumbered page:
    Like Zoe, she didn't believe in insta-love, and found insta-lust more something to be suspicious of than to indulge in.
  • 2015, Juno Dawson, All of the Above, page 41:
    Instalove, Instalust, call it what you want. I just wanted him.
  • 2015, Jasinda Wilder, Caught in the Surf, unnumbered page:
    Lani swallowed hard, and then let the truth out. "Getting hurt. I don't know you, like at all, and...this feels like insta-love, and it scares me."
  • 2016, Amy Andrews, Swept Away by the Seductive Stranger, page 16:
    He wasn’t someone who believed in instalove but he sure as hell believed in instalust.
  • 2016, Jolyse Barnett, Text Me, Maybe, unnumbered page:
    They weren't Geoff and Isabella, a product of Instalove.
  • 2016, Jami Davenport, Bottom of the Ninth, unnumbered page:
    Despite the lack of physical sparks, she'd fallen in insta-love with every guy she'd slept with since, which explained her recent bout of celibacy after the last love of her life used her and dumped her for the next best thing.
  • 2016, Julie Ann Walker, Hot as Hell, unnumbered page:
    But the fact remained that she'd never been the kind of gal to inspire insta-love or even insta-lust, so what the heck was wrong with Ranger Rick that he–
  • 2017, Chantal Fernando, Crossroads, page 195:
    I don't believe in instalove. No, I didn't believe in instalove. I don’t know if I’m in love with Ranger or not, but I know this is something.
  • 2017, Lea Griffith, Flash of Fury, unnumbered page:
    Allie wasn't a believer in insta-love, but insta-lust? She'd just become very familiar with that concept.
  • 2017, Debbi Rawlins, Sizzling Summer Nights, unnumbered page:
    Teagan wasn't much of a believer of insta-love but he was a big fan of insta-lust, and he'd just been hit square between the eyes with a double dose.
  • 2017, Christine Rimmer, Marriage, Maverick Style!, unnumbered page:
    Insta-love, insta-lust. Whatever it was, he'd known at the first sight of her that she was a game changer.
  • 2017, Naima Simone, A Millonaire at Midnight, unnumbered page:
    “Just your average story of instalove. You know, girl sees guy across a crowded room, girl asks friend who the scowl-y hottie is, girl relentlessly hunts him down until he caves and admits he loves her forever.”
  • 2018, Piper Rayne, Birth of a Baby Daddy, unnumbered page:
    We desperately wanted their relationship to develop naturally and not be a case of instalove.
  • 2018, Charmaine Ross, The Mermen's Captive, unnumbered page:
    Not after this serious case of instalove he'd come down with like a terminal disease, and after he'd permanently altered my body to breathe water.
  • 2019, Candace Ganger, Six Goodbyes We Never Said, unnumbered page:
    I don't believe in Instalove, to be clear, but I'm a disciple of signs.
  • 2019, Lucy Powrie, The Paper & Hearts Society, unnumbered page:
    'Honestly, how is it the greatest love story ever told? That's not love. You can't just meet someone and fall head over heels for them. Shakespeare was the inventor of instalove.'
  • 2020, Amy Andrews, Playing with Trouble, unnumbered page:
    And besides, Tad had cheated on her, and they were divorced—hardly a great advertisement for the staying power of instalove.
  • 2020, Kathryn Andrews, Blue Horizons, unnumbered page:
    I've never given much creed to the idea of instalove or soulmates, but damn if I didn't just feel something instinctual about her in the deepest part of me.
  • 2020, Bella Jeanisse, Rockin' Rhythm, unnumbered page:
    Years ago, she had gone the path of instalove. That turned out so well, huh? Memories she had long buried for good reason surfaced. She couldn't stop them.
  • 2021, Sofia Aves, Shortbread Shakedown, unnumbered page:
    I didn't believe in instalove. Hell, I didn't even believe in true love.
  • 2023, Linzi Basset, Fiery Jordan, unnumbered page:
    Yes, she'd decided he was the man for her but what she hadn't bargained on was that the fairytale notion of instalove existed.
  • 2023, Brianna Bourne, The Half-Life of Love, unnumbered page:
    Instalove might not be a thing, but instalust is.
  • 2023, Tara Conrad, Real Life Romance: Duke and Percy, unnumbered page:
    Realizing the tuxedo kitten was an orphan like me, I scooped her up and brought her inside. It was a story of instalove.
  • 2023, Jennifer Moorman, The Baker's Man, page 76:
    Anna didn't believe in instalove, though she enjoyed reading stories about it.