English citations of jogger

Noun: "A jogging shoe"

1981 1983 2006 2012 2013 2016 2018
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
1981 March, United States International Trade Commission, Summary of Trade and Tariff Information Prepared in Terms of the Tariff Schedules of the United States: Rubber Footwear, page 2:
In general the cemented jogger is used by serious runners as well as for street wear, while the injection-molded jogger is more of an all-purpose shoe used for sports and casual wear, which more nearly parallels a sneaker in its wide range of uses.
1983 May 17, Office of the Federal Register, Federal Register vol.48 No.96, page 22906:
The March 1981 Summary of Trade and Tariff Information on Rubber Footwear [USITC Publication 841] explains that items 700.61-700.63, TSUS, we’re primarily intended to cover joggers. A true jogger (a shoe designed for running) has a sole containing a wedge heel which is attached to the upper with cement only and overlaps the upper only at the heel and toe (unlike a traditional sneaker).
2003, Ian McNamara, On the Road with Macca: Australia All Over, page 176:
Now, you obviously don’t wear joggers; you wear proper boots out there. Is there spinifex, Andrew? ANDREW: Oh, there’s spinifex alright, Macca, but I’m just wearing my work boots which I wear every day.
2006, Christopher Cummings, Coasts of Cape York The Air Cadets:Book 1, page 295:
He was also quickly glad he wore a pair of cadet books (sic.boots) as the sand underfoot was soft and he noticed that Andrew and Carmen, both of whom wore joggers, frequently grumbled about sand.
2012, Judith Turner, Clothing Alteration Secrets Revealed 3rd Edition: A step-by-step practical guide on how to alter clothes, page 25:
Joggers are totally different from dress shoes. The foot sits flat in joggers which also have a raised platform front and back. Shoes on the other hand tend to place the foot on an angle because the back is higher than the front.Added to this is the fact that joggers are padded and have a very thick tough under the laces. Absolutely nothing like dress shoes.
2013, Geoff Allen, Blue Bostock: Australia’s First Bullfighter and Rodeo Clown (as told to Geoff Allen), page 132:
I was at a huge disadvantage because not only was Bill a couple of stone heavier and taller, but his hands were protected and could hit harder with the bandages, plus I was in slippery riding boots and he was wearing joggers.
2016, Ray Wyatt, Plan Prediction: Which Policy is Preferred by Which People?, page 69:
For example, if some people are wearing their joggers as fashion statement rather than as injury preventers, then perhaps their plan to buy expensive running shoes is actually sound.
2018, Alan E. Sutton, Venom Flight, page 323:
Michelle was one of the easiest persons to be with. She had dressed down for the occasion, wearing faded blue jeans, a white frilly blouse with a throw-over woolen shawl, and white joggers with pink inserts on her feet.

Noun: "(Internet slang, ethnic slur) a black person"

2020 2021 2022
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • [2020 May 14, Tess Owen, “White Supremacists Have a Disgusting New Code for the N-Word After Ahmaud Arbery's Death”, in Vice News[1], archived from the original on 2022-09-22:
    White supremacists have a new code for the n-word. It’s “jogger” — a direct reference to the death of Ahmaud Arbery, the young black man who was shot dead in February while he was running in a suburban neighborhood in Georgia.……]
  • 2020 May 14, TheDeadlyZebra, “Jogger is now a racial slur”, in Reddit[2], 4chan, archived from the original on 2022-10-11:
    I left San Siego cuz of all the joggers. Best decision I ever made.
    Don't need no hippo ass jogger lady selling swimmer flowers down my block
    Also, we should call spicks "Swimmers" cuz of wetbacks
  • 2020 May 21, JoeyCRA95356153, Twitter[3], archived from the original on 2022-10-11:
    Typical jogger. Throws hands like the bitch he is
  • 2020 May 24, Birb11241, Twitter[4], archived from the original on 2022-08-07:
    @loneargos I really hate joggers.
  • 2020 May 31, *skriptis, “(OT) US to designate Antifa as terrorist organization”, in rec.sport.tennis[5] (Usenet), retrieved 2023-03-05:
    It’s hard to say what comes next. But the one thing I will say is that for somebody who ran a campaign talking about “law and order,” he seems more concerned about denouncing racism and pandering to these stupid joggers and bird watchers. As he does this, a state of chaos and anarchy continues to persist across the land.
  • 2020 June 3, Reeksofsteelwolf, “/pol/ gets an update on the guy brutally beaten in the riot.”, in Reddit[6], 4chan, archived from the original on 2022-10-11:
    Of course you do, it's because your government and kikes recruited them and they dont need them anymore because now they're using joggers.
  • 2020 June 3, JhonnySkeiner, “/pol/ gets an update on the guy brutally beaten in the riot.”, in Reddit[7], 4chan, archived from the original on 2022-10-11:
    Stupid weeabo thinking he could fight joggers with a fake ass sword. This is why civilization is falling
  • 2020 June 3, Ad-mortem-innu-micus, “/pol/ gets an update on the guy brutally beaten in the riot.”, in Reddit[8], 4chan, archived from the original on 2022-10-11:
    Google his name and you can see that everyone gladly ignores the part where the joggers were throwing bricks at him first before he began chasing them. US is totally fucked big time mate
  • 2020 June 4, neckyourselfphag, “"You have been banned for breaking Rule #3" incoming”, in Reddit[9], 4chan, archived from the original on 2022-10-11:
    I thought japanese hated joggers
  • 2020 June 5, ChinaVi31229946, Twitter[10], archived from the original on 2022-08-07:
    and? doesnt change the fact the george floyd was a dirty jogger
  • 2020 June 20, pe1...@gmail.com, “NIGGERMANIA MAIN NEWS”, in alt.war.vietnam[11] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-08-07:
    So what if you hate joggers that is your right. I hope all these nigger loving white women get raped by a big black nigger.
  • 2020 June 26, CKilgore22, Twitter[12], archived from the original on 2022-10-11:
    They were playing but when the white kid turned his back the jogger went for a sucker punch. Typical jogger behavior.
  • 2020 June 27, wabbitt37, “Based and rempilled”, in Reddit[13], 4chan, archived from the original on 2022-10-11:
    So are gypsies the joggers of Europe?
  • 2020 June 27, xm3memaster69x, “Based and rempilled”, in Reddit[14], 4chan, archived from the original on 2022-10-11:
    I guess they even worse.
    At least joggers kills each other in a gang wars.
  • 2021 November 23, Greenmarineisbak, “Was Mathboi Fly a Manchurian Candidate? This is from his music video”, in Reddit[15], conspiracy, archived from the original on 2022-08-07:
    Cmon bruh. Dude is trying his hardest to be hard and gangster Lmfao. The boy isnt some maniacal genius or secret elite.
    He just a dumb jogger who cant control himself and a racist POS.
  • 2022 April 7, Extradited_RaKa, Twitter[16], archived from the original on 2022-08-07:
  • 2022 June 23, MasterCoOpter, Twitter[17], archived from the original on 2022-10-11:
    Never relax around joggers
  • 2022 August 5, andrewt392021, Twitter[18], archived from the original on 2022-08-07:
    Another peaceful jogger!
  • 2022 August 6, BriamHogain, Twitter[19], archived from the original on 2022-08-07:
  • 2022 August 17, stan_said, Twitter[20], archived from the original on 2022-10-11:
    Typical jogger behaviour
  • 2022 September 15, NeonoirLoser, Twitter[21], archived from the original on 2022-10-11:
    I love the fact that all the iterations I have with my mutuals is just me telling them how gay they are or how much I hate joggers

  • 2022 October 23, innerpeice, “The second song in the video is by the Doors”, in Reddit[22], TimPool, archived from the original on 2022-10-24:
    Joggers going to jog 🤷🏻‍♂️