Citations:junk drawer



English citations of junk drawer and junkdrawer

  • 1912, William D. Tracy, "Notes on Practice", The Journal of the Allied Societies, Vol. 7, p. 376.
    With a 5/8-inch sandpaper disk cutter, if you happen to have one in the junk drawer, or with a brass or steel tube of the same size sharpened to an edge at one end, four wheels suitable for the engine mandrel may be cut from each eraser.
  • 1990, Jeff Duntemann, Assembly language from square one: for the PC AT and compatibles, page 188:
    The flags register is a veritable junkdrawer of disjointed bits of information and it's tough (and perhaps misleading) to just sit down and describe all of them in detail at once.
  • 1993, Edmund Pennant, Askance and Strangely: New and Selected Poems, page 45:
    In as many drawers in my house as there are demon days in a year, you may find old candles laid away for the weird of a winter storm ripping power lines, or for a record-breaking summer night with the thrum of half a million air conditioners threatening a power blackout like the one that once caught us groping in darkness, with two dead flashlights and a junkdrawer choking with nylon cord, piano wire, screws, Band Aids, AA batteries, sewing machine oil, but no candle.
  • 1995, Sue Grafton, "L" is for Lawless, page 289:
    While I waited for him to get her settled, I returned the contents of the junk drawer and slid the drawer back into its slot.
  • 1997, Allegra Bennett, Renovating Woman, page 239:
    We all know that the junk drawer doesn't really contain junk. We know junk when we see it, and that gets tossed pretty fast. It's the odds and ends that had a limited purpose once, are still functional, and one day may come in handy, but for now . . .
  • 2002, Donna Smallin, Organizing plain & simple, page 54:
    There's nothing wrong with having a junk drawer. Where else can you store those odds and ends you need from time to time. But some of what ends up in the junk drawer really is junk, such as unfixable items, pens that don't work, expired coupons, and a piece to a game you sold at a garage sale five years ago.
  • 2005, M. Diane McCormick, "A Place for Everything",Old-House Journal (Jun 2005), v. 33, no. 3, page 33:
    Crammed with twist ties and stray screws, the standard junk drawer is a sanctuary for items we hoard out of practicality or affection or the nagging fear that "this may come in handy someday".
  • 2006, Phil Smouse, Jesus Wants All of Me, page 14:
    My heart does not have to be a junkdrawer full of worries and doubts.
  • 2011, Ralph Kimball, Margy Ross, The Data Warehouse Toolkit: The Complete Guide to Dimensional Modeling:
    You can envision the junk dimension as being akin to the junk drawer in your kitchen. The kitchen junk drawer is a dumping ground for miscellaneous household items, such as rubber bands, paper clips, batteries, and tape.
  • 2012, Marty Boardman, Fixing and Flipping Real Estate: Strategies for the Post-Boom Era, page 171:
    Everyone has a junk drawer. It contains pens, pencils, paper clips, AA batteries, loose change, and TV remotes. And if you're like me and have daughters it also has pink hair clips, Barbie doll accessories, and Peter Piper Pizza game tokens.
  • 2013, Margaret Macintyre Latta, Curricular Conversations: Play is the (Missing) Thing, page 24:
    I think of the junk drawer in my kitchen and the collection of artifacts it holds that tell many tales of family, friends, and events that form the “stuff” of my life.
  • 2013, Kathryn Fitzmaurice, Destiny, Rewritten, page 244:
    I'd been going through the junk drawer looking for a pen when I came across her library card.
  • 2015, Cara Colter, The Pregnancy Secret, page 121:
    Jessica had hung up the phone, but she had all the old take-out menus out of the kitchen drawer— she'd actually allowed them to have a junk drawer—and was studying them hard.

Coordination tests

"junk drawers and"
  • 1946, American journal of physics:
    Old radio sets are good sources of parts; the junk drawers and shelves will provide many components.
  • 2007, Alladi Venkatesh with Timothy Gonzalves and Andrew Monk, Home informatics and telematics, page 176:
    Namely, not all sentimental objects are guaranteed a place on the mantelpiece, as it were, and junk drawers and bowls give refuge to items of ambiguous value
"and junk drawers"
  • 2006, Therese Johnson Borchard, The Imperfect Mom: Candid Confessions of Mothers Living in the ..., page 22:
    Our bureau and junk drawers are two-handed jobs that are tough enough for an adult to open, much less a toddler.
  • 2008, Jennie Shortridge, Love and Biology at the Center of the Universe, page 30:
    "Oh, shoot, where's the ladle?" she said aloud, trying to picture the contents of the various utensil and junk drawers that had somehow morphed from her perfectly organized drawers over the past year or so.
  • 2009, Tori Carrington, Working Stiff, page 52:
    I closed the refrigerator and moved on to the counter drawers. I didn't know what I was looking for, really. [] Silverware and junk drawers a bust.
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