
English citations of kidfluence

Noun: "(marketing) the influence that children exert, both directly and indirectly, on the consumer decisions made by their parents"

1991 1999 2000 2002 2006 2007 2008 2009 2011
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1991 — Mike Duff, "More kid stuff among nonfoods", Supermarket Business, May 1991:
    "Kidfluence definitely influences Disney's business," says Tanya Steele, a Disney spokesperson. "Kids do influence video purchases. We talk to moms. We want to know every single thing that mom thinks about when she's making her purchasing decision. []
  • 1999 — James U. McNeal, The Kids Market: Myths and Realities, Paramount Market Publishing (1999), →ISBN, page 18:
    They have always let them, but in the late 1980s parents started ceding unprecedented decision making power to their kids. I have not tracked kidfluence as long as primary spending, but in 1985 it was around $50 billion.
  • 1999Leonard Sweet, SoulTsunami: Sink or Swim in New Millennium Culture, Zondervan (1999), →ISBN, page 303:
    You don't think children have economic power? Ask McDonald's about "kidfluence." Children 14 and under spent $20 billion in the US in 1998 and will influence another $200 billion — figures expected to increase in the next few years to $35 billion and $300 billion respectively.
  • 2000Neil Howe & William Strauss, Millennials Rising: The Next Great Generation, Vintage Books (2000), →ISBN, page 269:
    This "kidfluence" or "backseat consumer" market is a Millennial Generation phenomenon.
  • 2000 — Chinta Puxley, "Teens' dream mall is just a click away", The Spectator, 21 January 2000:
    Although only 2 per cent of tweens shop on-line, Julie Look, director of research at YTV, said tweens' comfort with technology combined with their "kidfluence" on family purchases, makes them a group worth courting.
  • 2002 — Stephen Kline & Greig de Peuter, "Ghosts in the Machine: Postmodern Childhood, Video Gaming, and Advertising", in Symbolic Childhood (ed. Daniel Thomas Cook), Peter Lang (2002), →ISBN, page 266:
    Game makers found they didn't have to appeal to parents as buyers as they could activate the pressure of "kidfluence."
  • 2006 — Mary Manz Simon, Trend-Savvy Parenting, Tyndayle House Publishers (2006), →ISBN, page 63:
    But the sphere of children's influence now extends beyond the grocery-store candy aisle. Kidfluence has become kid power. Here's the new equation: children + tech talents + money = kidfluence plus.
  • 2007 — Kathryn C. Montgomery, Generation Digital: Politics, Commerce, and Childhood in the Age of the Internet, MIT Press (2007), →ISBN, page 20:
    Through their "kidfluence," children even began having an impact on such "big ticket" purchases purchases as cars, hotel, and airlines, often responding to the advertising campaigns directed at them, including such kids-clubs as Camp Hyatt, Best Western Young Travelers Club, and Delta Airlines Fantastic Flyer Program.
  • 2008 — David Banady, "Positives of pester power", Marketing Week, 23 January 2008:
    Ad agencies used to boast about their prowess in encouraging pester power, though it became a dirty word at the end of the 1990s, replaced by strategies such as “family marketing” and "kidfluence".
  • 2008 — Rita de Brun, "Sparing the blushes", Irish Independent, 1 December 2008:
    Research shows that giving in to this type of manipulation, which is commonly known as 'kidfluence', cost British parents £3bn (€3.6bn) in 2006.
  • 2009 — Swapna Pradham, Retailing Management: Text & Cases, Tata McGraw-Hill (2009), →ISBN, page 129:
    With every next child now becoming an alpha pup — that's market research jargon for the kid who is deemed by friends to be the coolest in their school or neighbourhood — it's not surprising that the kidfluence (influence kids have on their parents' purchasing decisions) graph is on the upward swing.
  • 2011 — Geoffrey P. Lantos, Consumer Behavior in Action: Real-Life Applications for Marketing Managers, M.E. Sharpe (2011), →ISBN, pages 265-266:
    Children are very likely to influence their parents ("pester power," "tug-on-the-pants factor"), suggesting everything from making a pilgrimage to McDonald's for the latest Happy Meal toy to what goes into the lunch box to what comes out of the microwave. Some marketers call this kidfluence.