
English citations of kinkfic and kink-fic

Noun: "(fandom slang) fan fiction featuring kink (particularly BDSM) content"

2001 2004 2011 2014
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2001 December 21, Rae, “Re: NEW TSU 1/1 "Cognitive Dissonance" [PG]”, in alt.startrek.creative.erotica.moderated[1] (Usenet):
    Hmmm. That has kinkfic potential, or at least TSU. Linguistics BDSM -standing over your masochist with a tape recorder, Whorfing until she BEGS for mercy...
  • 2004, Jenny Alexander, "A Vampire is Being Beaten: DeSade Through the Looking Glass in Buffy and Angel", Slayage: The Online International Journal of Buffy Studies, Number 15, December 2004, unnumbered page:
    What kink-fic does, in parallel with BDSM real world practices, is to explicitly enact sexual and emotional power dynamics.
  • 2007, Ellen Fremedon, quoted in Catherine Tosenberger, "Potterotics: Harry Potter Fanfiction On The Internet", dissertation submitted to the University of Florida, page 84:
    Frequently, stories that play to a particular kink are really only intended for an audience that shares that kink…. Basically, I have different standards for kinkfic and for fic containing kink. It really boils down to where the arousal is located in the story-- in other words, is the situation getting the characters hot, or getting the author hot?…
  • 2004, Science Fiction Studies, Volume 31, Issue 3, November 2004, page 499:
    Section three, on forms and genres, might consider such fan genres as slash, het/ship, genfic, alternate universes and realities, mpreg, BDSM, kinkfic, elves, and wingfic.
  • 2011, Jeffrey A. Brown, Dangerous Curves: Action Heroines, Gender, Fetishism, and Popular Culture, page 205:
    Similarly, the heteronormative sexual identities ascribed to the action heroine in her official texts is confounded in queer fan-fic in general, and in kink-fic specifically.
  • 2011, Malin Isaksson, "Pain as Pleasure: Tough Girls' Love in Fan Fiction", in How Does It feel?: Making Sense of Pain (eds. Hans T. Sternudd & Angela Tumini), page 102:
    The Buffyverse lends itself especially well to so-called kink-fic, not only of the male slash version analyzed by several scholars, but also of the femslash variety pairing Buffy and Faith.
  • 2014, Maria Lindgren Leavenworth & Malin Isaksson, Fanged Fan Fiction: Variations on Twilight, True Blood and The Vampire Diaries, page 144:
    Our findings show that there is a continued and highly active interest in kinkfic among fanfic authors working from the selected canons (which, in comparison with other cultural expressions, are quite vanilla) and there are also particular tendencies within fandoms which illustrate an interest.