
English citations of laquearius

  • 2012 September 14, Francine Rivers, Mark of the Lion Gift Collection: Gift Collection, Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., →ISBN:
    [] laquearius could leave. They circled one another for several minutes, during which the laquearius tossed his rope several times and missed. The veles jabbed at him with the javelin, but kept a cautious distance. The crowd yelled in []
  • 2013 September 13, Roger Dunkle, Gladiators: Violence and Spectacle in Ancient Rome, Routledge, →ISBN, page 114:
    Laquearius / The word laquearius means 'lasso man'. The only evidence we have of their style of fighting comes from Isidore of Seville. The fighting style of laquearii is somewhat similar to that of the rodeo cowboy who lassoes a calf []
  • 1939, Arthur Koestler, The Gladiators, In the Hands of a Child, page 9:
    [The] Laquearius gladiator was similar to the Retiarius only they used a lance and a lasso instead of a net and trident.
  • 2010 January 5, Ben Kane, The Forgotten Legion, St. Martin's Press, →ISBN:
    [] laquearius's face. He turned and shoulder-charged the Thracian, muttering a prayer to Jupiter and expecting to feel the noose land around his neck with every step. To Romulus's relief, the laquearius uttered a strangled cry as his eyes []
  • 2010 December 23, Alan Baker, The Gladiator: The Secret History of Rome's Warrior Slaves, Random House, →ISBN:
    [] GALERUS: A piece of metal that protected the left shoulder of a retiarius or a laquearius. GALLUS: The pre-Augustan term for a murmillo. GAMES: Official spectacles.