Citations:little monster

English citations of little monster

Noun: "alternative capitalization of Little Monster"

2010 2011
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2010, Liem Vu, "Lady Gaga, meet Larry King", National Post, 2 June 2010:
    The article alluded to Gaga perhaps having the disease which sent her “little monsters” on a Tweeting frenzy with the trending tag #getwellgaga.
  • 2010, Daniel Kreps, "More Top Stories: Rihanna, Arcade Fire, Gorillaz", Rolling Stone, 27 July 2010:
    As a treat for the little monsters who couldn't score tickets to the Monster Ball, Lady Gaga has posted her stage show's grotesque and avant-garde interlude "Puke Vomit Exorcism" for your viewing pleasure.
  • 2010, Beverley Lyons, "Girls on top at the MTV European Music Awards as Lady Gaga scoops hat-trick", Daily Record (Scotland), 8 November 2010:
    The Pokerface singer interupted her Budapest concert to say: "I'm so sorry I couldn't be there to accept this award myself but there are 20,000 little monsters out there waiting for me, so I have to hurry up and get back on stage. []
  • 2011, James Reed, "Less fallen star, more human", Boston Globe, 27 March 2011:
    Gaga, in particular, is the anti-Britney: She’s everywhere, whether or not we like it. Every awards show presents a new outlandish outfit, every video is a milestone, every public statement is in service to a cause. She tweets, she rallies her “little monsters’’ (as she calls her fans), and she won’t go away.
  • 2011, Angela Hickman, "Lady Gaga tops Forbes most powerful list", National Post, 11 May 2011:
    Lady Gaga’s little monsters have made her the most powerful celebrity this year, according the Forbes annual Celebrity 100 list.
  • 2011, Victoria Ahearn, "Lady Gaga sends message of love", The Chronicle Herald, 26 November 2011:
    Lady Gaga delivered a personalized video message to some of her "little monsters" at a west-end Toronto high school Friday supporting an assembly against bullying and homophobia.