Citations:mana glut

English citations of mana glut, mana-glut, and managlut

Noun: "(Magic: The Gathering) the condition of having or drawing too many mana sources and insufficient spells"

1997 1998 1999 2000
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1997 April 23, Craig Sivils, “Re: Overcoming the Win/Loose syndrome.”, in[1] (Usenet):
    (Higher mana % only increases chance of mana glut, I usually play 22-24 lands, I'm in the "acceptable" range).
  • 1997 May 20, durnik [username], “Re: M:TG -- Luck and the future of the game”, in[2] (Usenet):
    With four Glaciers in a deck, I frequently stock up to 26 lands, because I don't have to worry about mana glut when the Glaciers are thinning out my deck at an alarming rate and bringing lands into play so fast it makes my head spin.
  • 1997 May 22, Johnny Ace, “Re: My mana screw proposal: a defense”, in[3] (Usenet):
    Because he knows how to design his deck to avoid mana screw (or the opposite and usually equally deadly mana glut).
  • 1997 June 1, Johnny Ace, “Re: Defense and Summary”, in[4] (Usenet):
    Aside from the fact that I don't agree that mana glut is necessarily an instant loss, if you build a deck which can get by with one land (and I've had tournament-competitive decks that killed my opponents when I had only one land out the entire game), you reduce the chance of mana screw to next-to-nil.
  • 1997 November 6, Dan Brannigan, “Re: Mana Screw, A history of blunders.”, in[5] (Usenet):
    Because in order to stay competitive, we cannot afford to draw a managlut.
  • 1998 May 31, Broccoli! [username], “Re: Why Sage owl is better than that Janky Impulse”, in[6] (Usenet):
    Funny, I have gone as low as 16 land and my deck still had huge problems with mana glut.
  • 1998 October 14, Michael Bahr, “Re: Cataclysm?”, in[7] (Usenet):
    New Sligh is just so consistent it's frightening... and now you can use the Blasted Landscapes (Craters suck) to fight manascrew AND managlut, the two functional enemies of Sligh, and you always have Scrolls to kill their pro-red.
  • 1998 October 31, kaos [username], “Re: B.C. Lands (and Wasteland)”, in[8] (Usenet):
    To avoid mana-screw in the early game, and to avoid mana-glut in the late game.
  • 1999 July 23, Jason Zac Christman, “Re: Think having 30 land is crazy? Your probably right.”, in[9] (Usenet):
    25 land should come very close to the results you want without losing you as many games due to mana glut.
  • 1999 October 18, Tony Boydell, “"At Last ! The 1999 Show..."”, in[10] (Usenet):
    I'm fed up of mana screw and mana glut, shitty draws, and the emminent top-decking skills of my opponents.
  • 2000 March 9, Glenn Olson, “Re: Q regarding 9-land green”, in[11] (Usenet):
    And in my experience where 2 lands makes the difference between constant mana screw and constant mana glut in the deck, that compromise seems damn sweet.
  • 2000 September 28, Russell Henley, “Re: Invasion: Limited Analysis”, in[12] (Usenet):
    You can't remove the mana flood/mana glut problem from magic without rewriting the rules (to like have two decks), but you can play around it.