
English citations of mansplain

Verb: "to explain condescendingly, because listener is a woman"

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2014 2015 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2008 May 21, Ann Larimer (as phosfate), “Re: On statistics”, in Fandom Wank[1], archived from the original on 2013-05-18:
    Oh, gosh, thank you so much for mansplaining this to us!
  • 2009 September 8, Vicki Rosenzweig, “Re: I stumbled here while searching for 'what was wrong with me'.”, in alt.polyamory[2] (Usenet), message-ID <>:
    alternatively, if you think that saying "might as well castrate me while you're at it, for the way it feels" will make everyone apologize or be quiet so you can keep mansplaining, you are mistaken.
  • 2010 January 29, Twisty Faster, “There are molecules in the brain called “neurotransmitters””, in I Blame the Patriarchy[3], retrieved 2012-06-21:
    In fact, quite the buttload of Zuska’s mansplaining commenters are apparently authoritative experts on mansplaining. This is surprising and kind of meta, since it is a well-known fact that men who claim to know what the fuck mansplaining is cannot resist mansplaining that it doesn’t, at least for them, exist. More than a few of them mansplain that theirs is a truly lofty and nuanced apprehension of mansplaining, which is why when they do it they aren’t really doing it, so it isn’t the same as when actual mansplainers mansplain.
  • 2010 February 6, Jet Silver, “Jet’s favourite mansplanation story”, in I Am Not a Cake[4], retrieved 2012-05-26:
    The mansplainer mansplained adamantly on the topic of sex. His specific sub-topic: whether a long penis or a wide one is more pleasurable for a woman during vaginal intercourse.
  • 2010 November 14, Kai Jones <>, “Re: advice: those vampire books?”, in alt.polyamory[5] (Usenet), message-ID <>:
    I was amused by a conversation that was mostly men, mansplaining the books and movies mostly aimed at women.
  • 2011 February, “The Sum of Her Parts 2 of 3”, in Batman and Robin, number 18, spoken by The Absence, DC Comics:
    I fooled you! You don't get to “mansplain” to me!
  • 2011 February 1, Jason Linkins, “What's Behind The Drive To Redefine Rape In New And Insane Ways?”, in The Huffington Post[6]:
    But what's getting all of the attention in the bill is the part where legislators have banded together to mansplain the various shadings of the crime of "rape" to America.
  • 2011 October 5, Tatsuya Ishida, “The Sisterhood 3”, in Sinfest[7], retrieved 2012-06-21:
    “There’s nothing wrong with admiring the female form...” “No mansplaining.
  • 2011 June 3, Aahz Maruch, “Re: Milenko Kindl loves threesome”, in alt.polyamory[8] (Usenet), message-ID <iuqa0j$sss$>:
    Were you at all tempted to say, "Thank you for mansplaining."?
  • 2011 December 2, David Futrelle, “Rape, mansplained at last. Thanks, anonymous dude on Reddit!”, in Man Boobz[9], retrieved 2012-05-26:
  • 2012 March 14, Jessica Wakeman, “Dr. Drew Is Mansplaining Your Sexual Desires For You, “50 Shades Of Grey” Fans”, in The Frisky[10], retrieved 2012-05-26:
  • 2012 October 5, Harriet Walker, “Now, let me explain something about patriarchy”, in The Independent[11], →ISSN, retrieved 2012-10-05:
    Linehan’s argument, mansplained with the characteristic ill-grace of a caught-out mansplainer, was that Page Three was not misogynistic because it was clearly for men who liked women. Who liked them so much they wanted to look at them naked, in fact.
  • 2012 October 6, “Intellectual Negging at Shakespeare & Co., a Womansplanation”, in The Oeditrix[12], retrieved 2012-10-15:
    These two women, both petite (I cannot help thinking this was one reason he enjoyed talking to them so much) were being mansplained within an inch of their lives.
  • 2012 October 16, Femmy McFeministy, “Remansplaining”, in Academic Men Explain Things to Me[13], retrieved 2012-10-17:
    In which, a reblogger remansplains a mansplaining, not understanding that the student in question was trying for the life of her to figure out what on earth the professor in question was going for.
  • 2012 November 1, Lily Rothmannov, “A Cultural History of Mansplaining”, in The Atlantic[14], →ISSN:
    John Adams, whose relationship with Abigail Adams is supposed to be a shining example of spousedom, mansplained the need to make husbands the legal masters of wives.
  • 2012 November 8, Jillian Rayfield, “Sen. Ron Johnson offers to mansplain the budget to Tammy Baldwin The Wisconsin Republican conde”, in Salon[15]:
    Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., offered to help out his new colleague, Democrat Sen.-elect Tammy Baldwin, by explaining the federal budget thing and how it works.
  • 2014 April 3, Adrienne Trier-Bieniek & Amanda Pullum, "From Lady Gaga to Consciousness Rap: The Impact of Music on Gender and Social Activism", in Gender & Pop Culture: A Text-Reader (eds. Adrienne Trier-Bieniek & Patricia Leavy), Sense Publishers (2014), →ISBN, page 94:
    Internet discussion of “Bitch Bad” has sparked a lot of outrage and strong opinions, most notably after the music magazine Spin posted a scathing review of the song, marking Fiasco as “mansplaining" and declaring the song a poor, unthoughtful example of someone trying to use hip-hop to raise consciousness.
  • 2014 October 14, Jamie Kilstein & Allison Kilkenny, Newsfail: Climate Change, Feminism, Gun Control, and Other Fun Stuff We Talk About Because Nobody Else Will, Simon & Schuster (2014), →ISBN, page xi:
    Maybe it was because of the MSNBC commercials where he's seemingly annexed a grade school classroom, occupied it, and refused to leave, and is now mansplaining life to his audience.
  • 2014 October 20, Benjamin Hart, “RIP “mansplaining”: The Internet ruined one of our most useful terms”, in Salon[16]:
    If a man mansplains in the forest, do the trees roll their eyes?
  • 2015 February 27, Robin James, Resilience & Melancholy: Pop Music, Feminism, Neoliberalism, Zero Books (2015), →ISBN, unnumbered page
    Positioning himself as the white guy mansplaining to a black woman what's best for her, The New York Time's John Caramanica argues that Rihanna's attempt, on the album, "to make public art with the person who physically abused you is immature, pre-feminist, post-ethics."
  • 2015 March 14, Heidi Hall, “Hard to ‘Mansplain’ Workplace Gender Issues”, in The Daily News[17], volume 8, number 12, Memphis, retrieved 2015-03-14:
    "Jane felt like screaming at Dick after he manterrupted her in the staff meeting, bropropriated her idea and then spent the afternoon mansplaining it back to her."
  • 2015 June 9, Joshua Cohen, Book of Numbers, Random House (2015), →ISBN, unnumbered page:
    However this was merely his transition to fiction—rather to mansplaining wisdom about fiction.
  • 2015 July 1, @midnight, Emily Gordon (actor), via Comedy Central:
    My plan is to mansplain feminism to myself.
  • 2015, Charlie Jane Anders, "Ghost Champagne", Uncanny Magazine, Issue 5, July/August 2015, unnumbered page:
    I mean, I would only use this power in extreme circumstances, like when one of the developers in my day job starts mansplaining to me, or when I'm super bored in a meeting.
  • 2018 September 19, “I Get Sick of Being Needed”, in I Feel Bad, season 1, episode 2, via NBC:
    Chewey: See, manspreading is when a guy, or man, sits on a subway with his legs apart, or spread.
    Emet: Okay, you don't need to mansplain manspreading to me.
  • 2018 October 19, The Late Show with Stephen Colbert[18], season 4, episode 28, Stephen Colbert (actor), via CBS:
    Did Trump just try to mansplain the midterms to women? [imitating Trump] "Look, look, ladies, I know you don't like me, OK, but here's why you're wrong — shhh, I'm talking..."
  • 2019 February 28, Merrill Perlman, “‘Mansplaining’ and its offspring”, in Columbia Journalism Review[19], retrieved 2019-08-23:
    Perhaps the ultimate example of “mansplaining” can be found on Twitter: a man tried to explain the difference between a “vulva” and a “vagina,” arguing with a woman who is a gynecologist.
  • 2020 May 5, Stephen King, “Rat”, in If It Bleeds, Scribner, →ISBN, page 381:
    "You want to know what I think, Drew? I think when a man says ‘You know that,’ which they do all the time, what they mean is ‘I know that, but you're too dumb to know that. Hence, I must mansplain.’"
  • 2020 August 11, Jen Kirkman, “Foreword”, in Nicole Tersigni, Men to Avoid in Art and Life[20], San Francisco: Chronicle Books, →ISBN, →LCCN, page 8:
    If you're a dude, you may be tensing up right now and wanting this to put book down and tweet at Nicole, “Not all men mansplain!” But then you'd be the guy who is mansplaining to a woman who ostensibly knows men, is related to men, has worked with men, is friends with men, that not all men are bad.
  • 2021, “Toxic”, performed by Pussy Riot ft. Dorian Electra:
    Come here, mansplain me / Your balls meet my knee / Freedom, I'm craving / Dare to mansplain me
  • 2022 July 26, “Tory leadership: Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss in fiercest clash yet over tax”, in BBC News[21]:
    It led to complaints afterwards by Ms Truss's supporters that the ex-chancellor was being too aggressive and was “mansplaining”—something fiercely denied by the Sunak camp.