
English citations of manssiere

ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2002, Lou Schuler, Jeff Volek, Adam Campbell, The Testosterone Advantage Plan (page 176)
    For most of us, the thought of needing to wear a “manssiere” is reason enough to avoid androstenedione. But now two other prohormones, androstenediol and norandrodiol, have attracted some buzz in gym culture.
  • 2014, Merril D. Smith, Cultural Encyclopedia of the Breast (page 125)
    Despite this premise, the invention of the manssiere or bro was unnecessary given the already thriving men's gynecomastia undergarment industry in the United States.
  • Note: 2014 citation is not independent of reference to the Seinfield TV show where this word was coined.