
English citations of marihoochie

Noun: "(informal) marijuana"

2000 2004 2006 2013
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2000, Bradley M. Fralick, Through My Head: Essays by a Brain Injury Survivor, Xlibris (2000), →ISBN, unnumbered page:
    And it's all because of those innocent little tokes on that pipeful of MARIHOOCHIE.
  • 2004, Poe Ballantine, God Clobbers Us All, Hawthorne Books (2004), →ISBN, unnumbered page:
    Slowly I reach toward my cigarette pack for the marihoochie, []
  • 2006, Jo-Ann Mapson, The Owl & Moon Cafe, Simon & Schuster (2006), →ISBN, unnumbered page:
    “Have to make sure no marihoochie went into this,” she said gruffly, and everyone laughed and took another Christmas cookie, []
  • 2013, Robert Andrew Mannie, Dolphin Days, Xlibris (2013), →ISBN, page 23:
    “Would you like to smoke some marihoochie?” Indio asked her.