English citations of maun


  • 1840, Mary Botham Howitt, Hope On, Hope Ever, Or, The Boyhood of Felix Law, page 53:
    "O Maister!" exclaimed Alice, with tears in her eyes, “ye maun think nought at it. [] I sal niver forgive mysel!"
  • 1848, Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell, Mary Barton, page 45:
    So father sent George first (you know George, well enough, Mary), and then work was scarce out toward Burton, where we lived, and father said I maun try and get a place . And George wrote as how wages were far higher in Manchester []
  • 1860, James Kay-Shuttleworth, Scarsdale: Or, Life on the Lancashire and Yorkshire Border, Thirty Years Ago, page 103:
    "Pure Giles, he maun goo his aen gate, pure mon, sure he connot chuse bur be welly besoide hissel."
  • 1860, J. P. Robson, The Song of Solomon in the Northumberland Dialect, page 14:
    [] thoo, O Solomon, maun hev a thoosan'; an' them 'it farms the froot on't twe hundort.
Scots or Cumberlandish?
  • 1795, A Select Collection of original Scotish Airs for the Voice, edited by George Thomson, set 1, page 15:
    And oh ! what a heart was that to lose; But I maun no repine.
  • 1873, Henry Lonsdale, The Worthies of Cumberland [...], page 94:
    And oh ! what a heart was that to lose; But I maun no repine.

may, might

  • 1890, Clare, Love of Lass, I, 30:
    Ay, lads, ye maun weel luik skeered.

Scots citations of maun


  • 1721, Ramsay, Poems, 19:
    Maun we be forced thy skill to tine?
  • 1787, Taylor, Poems 13:
    A'... Maun late or soon submit to fate.
  • 1844, Cross, Disruption, ii:
    A minister ye maun be.
  • 1886, Haliburton, Horace, 2:
    A' the warld an' his wife / Maun lie at ae great level.
  • 1891, Barrie, Minister, xxx:
    I maun bide ahint.
  • 1892, Ballymena Obsserver:
    If I maun dae't A can dae't.
  • 1844-1896, Wesley Guard Lyttle, Paddy McQuillan, 13:
    Ye maun wait till ye're a Mason.