
English citations of mediocer

possibly intentional spellings

  • 1909-1909, in The Classical Weekly, volume 2, pages 157, 171 and 174:
    At Herculaneum, on the other hand, there was no time to carry off valuables; [...] [...] the marble seats of the theater were found in situ in 1738, [...]
    [...] which has the spirit as well as the meter of Catullus.
    The second and third strophes, which will not be quoted, are mediocer.

probably misspellings: in books that do not alter "acre" to "acer"

  • 1923, in the Educational Review, volume 66, pages 20, 25, 37 and 38:
    [...] "in a remarkably scholar one not infrequently finds a mediocer man; and often even in a mediocer artist . . . a very remarkable man," [...]
    In the opinion of many thoughtful observers a new theatre of world activity is about to be opened in the Pacific.
    [...] for junior high schools from six to ten acres, and for senior high schools, twenty acres.
    [...] with a community theater and a Student Players Association of about thirteen hundred pupils.
  • 1906 September, Educational Foundations, volume 18, pages 121, 184 and 281:
    Direct self-expression takes place when the present activity is the end in itself. Such is the play at the theater, [...]
    A home atmosphere which is constantly critical may protect us from poor writing and other mediocer performance, but it also has the tendency to rob us of the chance of better things.
    [...] nominal fee, I think it was six cents an acre.

Latin citations of mediocer

possibly only mentions: discussing spelling

  • 1570, Ioannis Despavterii, ninivitae, grammaticae institutionis, Book 2:
    Tria adiectiua, alacer, volucer, acer, faciunt cris: quibus addes mediocer, [...]
  • 1823, Thomae Ruddimanni Institutiones Grammaticae Latinae, page 62:
    Exc. 2. Tria adiectiva in CER, e amisso, cris formanant acer, acris; alacer, alacris; volucer, volucris 88).
    [...] ¶
    88) Addunt nonnulli mediocer; quod nusquam iam invenitur, sed, ut supra monuimus, mediocris.