
English citations of mentionitis

1954 2012
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1954, The Journal of Economic History (volume 14, page 177)
    Shall he "mention" this or that item for the sake of "coverage," only to have other potential users accuse him of having succumbed to that textbookish disease "mentionitis"?
  • 2012, Alom Shaha, The Young Atheist's Handbook
    It's sometimes known as 'mentionitis' — the compulsion to drop the name of the person you're besotted with into every conversation, even at the most inappropriate of times. Mentionitis is just one of the symptoms of being in love.
  • 2020 July 7, Emma Rous, The Au Pair, Penguin, →ISBN, page 243:
    "... because her dad used to know our parents," Danny mutters. Then he sighs and pats me on the arm. "Anyway, I'm sorry, sis," says. "I can see you've got it bad." "What?" "Mentionitis," Danny says.
  • 2022 September 1, Kiley Dunbar, Christmas at the Borrow a Bookshop: A heartwarming, cosy, utterly uplifting romcom - the perfect read for booklovers!, Hera books Ltd, →ISBN:
    ... mentionitis there, she'd thought. Alex knew all about mentionitis now. Ben had caught it weeks ago. It had been Eve said this and Eve likes that. Funny how she hadn't suspected a thing at the time, but the constant namedropping now told []
  • 2001 February 1, Helen Fielding, Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason: A Novel, Penguin, →ISBN:
    ... Mentionitis. It's just complete Mentionitis. There's no question about it. Telephone. Bet it's Mark. What shall I say? “Bridget, pick up, put it down, put it down. PUT IT DOWN.” I picked up confusedly. “Magda?” “Oh Bridget! Hi! How was []
  • 2021 August 3, Dolly Alderton, Ghosts: A novel, Vintage, →ISBN:
    ... mentionitis — when thoughts of a lover are so pervasive , they find their way into every topic ("Jethro has the grey version of your bath mat!" she said at one point, like she'd discovered we shared a grandmother). A diagnosis of []
  • 2018 September 25, Debbie Viggiano, The Man You Meet in Heaven: An absolutely feel good romantic comedy, Bookouture, →ISBN:
    ... Certainly nothing about me hoping to become Nick's new girlfriend. He knew of him, obviously, mainly due to the aforesaid 'acute mentionitis' I'd suffered ever since stepping through the doors of Shepherd, Green & Parsons, but.