
English citations of misconsent

Failure to obtain proper consent
  • 1855, Alexander M. Bouton, The Analysis of Holy Writ. [In Verse.], page 33:
    All trades live by misconsent, Money taken without consent, Or knowledge of him that spent.
  • 1997, John Abbott Worthley, The Ethics of the Ordinary in Healthcare: Concepts and Cases, page 5:
    CASE A: BENIGN MISCONSENT "A consent must be voluntary, competent, and informed except in an emergency situation."
error for miscontent
  • 2015 October 8, Derek 'Del Boy' Trotter, He Who Dares, Random House, →ISBN:
    [] was very much the winter of misconsent of my life. Things at home had been more strained than ever. Mum was hitting the bottle hard, going out at all hours, staying out too sometimes. To begin with, the fights between her and Reg were worse than ever, but then []