English citations of momic

Noun: "a comedienne whose act focuses on her children and family life"

1993 1996 2007
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1993Howard Rosenberg, "'Mommies' Not Dearest of Three Comedy Premieres", Los Angeles Times, 18 September 1993:
    It's Roseanne Arnold who personifies prime-time's newest hybrid, the stand-up momic.
  • 1996 — Dick Kreck, "Everything wacky in 'Momville'", Denver Post, 2 March 1996:
    They should be called "momics," those housewives who climb comedy-club stages and tell jokes about their kids and dirty laundry.
  • 2007 — Nicole Lyn Pesce, "Thursday in New York", Daily News, 29 March 2007:
    The "momics" include Andrea Kolb, winner of Oprah's America's Funniest Mom award, and Nancy Witter, a Nick at Nite "Funniest Mom in America" finalist.
  • 2007 — Lenore Skenazy, "'Momics' Entertain Executive Moms", New York Sun, 2 April 2007:
    In fact, they are to momics what New Jersey is to standard-issue stand-ups.