Citations:mommy porn

English citations of mommy porn

Noun: "(neologism) a genre of mainstream erotic literature that primarily appeals to the sensibilities of mothers and housewives"

2012 2013
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  • 2012, Emily Ryan-Davis, Tangled & Bound, Ellora's Cave Publishing (2012), →ISBN, unnumbered page:
    Now, as she turned the page of her book, a “mommy porn” title on every national bestseller list, she sneaked a peek at her in-flight neighbor's face.
  • 2012, Zosia Bieski, "Mom's guilty pleasure: kinky bedtime stories", The Globe and Mail, 1 March 2012:
    For yummy mummies in NYC and beyond, the trilogy is a grown-up Twilight – their “mommy porn,” as some have put it.
  • 2012, Julie Bosman, "Discreetly Digital, Erotic Novel Sets American Women Abuzz", The New York Times, 9 March 2012:
    “Fifty Shades of Grey,” an erotic novel by an obscure author that has been described as “Mommy porn” and “Twilight” for grown-ups, has electrified women across the country, who have spread the word like gospel on Facebook pages, at school functions and in spin classes.
  • 2012, Deirdre Donahue, "'Fifty Shades of Grey' lends erotic color to U.S. shelves", USA Today, 19 March 2012:
    However you categorize it — mommy porn, erotic fiction, Twilight fan fiction gone rogue, a symbol of moral decay — British writer E.L. James' NC-17 bondage trilogy has gone from e-book cult favorite to publishing phenomenon.
  • 2012, Robin Abrahams, "50 shades of blush", Boston Globe, 27 March 2012:
    The novel 50 Shades of Grey is the new "mommy porn" sensation, the dark literary secret of every yummy mummy dressed in Lululemon, apparently.
  • 2012, Andrea Simakis, "Diva gets her hands on 'Fifty Shades of Grey': S&M, romance and sex -- oh my! ", The Plain Dealer, 7 April 2012:
    Books-A-Million has a few left but refuses to set one aside because the so-called "mommy porn" -- named for its immense appeal to suburban women -- is too "hot" to hold.
  • 2012, Laura Barnett, "Mommy porn?: Fifty Shades of Grey by EL James: review", The Telegraph, 13 April 2012:
    The sadomasochistic antics in EL James's 'mommy porn' book Fifty Shades of Grey have made it a phenomenon, despite the appalling writing.
  • 2012, Ben Fulton, "Utah scholar studies fan fiction, particularly 'Mommy porn'", The Salt Lake Tribune, 15 April 2012:
    But it's her academic study of fan fiction, particularly the "mommy porn" of Fifty Shades of Grey, that has launched Jamison as a media commentator for sources ranging from National Public Radio to the Galleycat website.
  • 2012, Rebecca Keegan & Nicole Sperling, "'Fifty Shades of Grey' by E.L. James is selling books (and more)", Los Angeles Times, 17 April 2012:
    "We've had all these women coming in saying, 'Where do you keep your mommy porn?'" said Kristen Tribby, director of creative development and strategy at The Pleasure Chest.
  • 2013, Nicole Cammorata, Words You Should Know 2013: The 201 Words from Science, Politics, Technology, and Pop Culture That Will Change Your Life This Year, Adams Media (2013), →ISBN, page 101:
    Countless newspapers across the country reported on this “mommy porn” trend, since the majority of its audience seemed to be suburban housewives.
  • 2013, Terri-Jean Bedford, Bondage Bungalow Fantasies: Scripts for Canada's Most Famous Dominatrix, iUniverse (2013), →ISBN, page 188:
    There is a market for the sale of sex and fantasy role play, not to mention hard core pornography, soft core pornography and “mommy porn”.